Why spend a summer Saturday learning about how to find your career path?  Because John Hall is the master of helping people not only find their passion, but also helping them tap into it, and helping them locate organizations that fit their skills and passion.

I have known John over 12 years and in that time, I have heard him speak, watched him teach, and first hand have seen the impact he has had on me and others.  Trust me, using John’s techniques and ideas can and will change your life.  For example, about ten years ago, I was up for major promotion in my organization.  And although I was inside the organization and felt like I had the upper edge, I realized that I needed some help in how to articulate my ideas for the new position.  I worked with John and he helped me put together a portfolio that created a cogent argument for why I was the best choice for the position.  What happened?  I aced the interview and although I never had to open up the portfolio, having it there made all of the difference. I don’t think I would have gotten the job without John’s help.

Chapman University alumni are fortunate to have John Hall help them – and for free!   For more information and to register for the course, (offered exclusively to Chapman University alumni) visit the Chapman Alumni Association’s page detailing the workshop to be held Saturday, September 8, 2012.

Pattie Dillon Sobczak
Director of Development, CES