It is with great pleasure that I welcome you all back with such great news. Chapman University’s, College of Educational Studies, has won accreditation by the
International School Psychology Association
(ISPA) for our
programs in School Psychology. We become one of the very few to receive this honor worldwide. This accreditation is evidence of our world-class school psychology program in the CES as well as its commitment and meaningful work around the world.

ISPA is a non-governmental nonprofit organization of School Psychologists from around founded in 1982. According to their
mission page
, “ISPA is strongly committed to improving healthy development and quality of life for children everywhere. ISPA has thus made children’s human rights a high priority in its international work during the last decade and will maintain this emphasis in the future. For this purpose, ISPA has initiated and collaborated with international endeavors that benefit children or hold a genuine promise to do so. The involvement of school psychology at the national level will significantly strengthen many of these projects.”

One of the ISPA reviewers commented during their visit and review of our programs in November, “I want to congratulate you on such wonderful examples of programs in school psychology. It was indeed an honor to be a part of this accreditation team. Thank you for your hospitality and personal attention.”

Our ISPA accreditation will be formally announced at the
National Association of School Psychologists
(NASP) conference in Seattle in February and then again at the ISPA conference in Porto Portugal this coming July.

Please join me in congratulating the CES School Psychology team and all who have supported them through this process.

A great way to begin 2013! Congratulations!

Don Cardinal, Ph.D.

Dean of the College of Educational Studies 

Happenings article on ISPA accreditation 1/14/13.