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Attallah Award Fosters Student-Focused, Teacher-Led Public School Program ePrize Parent Engagement Project Enters Implementation Phase

October 19, 2018 by | News

It’s not uncommon to see small groups of parents or teachers popping in and out of classrooms during the day at Anaheim Union High School District (AUHSD) schools. Classroom guests visit each classroom for just a few minutes and then gather in small groups to discuss what they observed. Unlike many classroom observations, the focus

Getting Down to Facts in California Education Attallah Administrator Contributes to Large-Scale, State-Wide Research Study

September 28, 2018 by | News

Dr. Michelle Hall, Attallah College of Educational Studies’ Director of Program Assessment and Improvement, was one of the contributors to a major update to a key research project, Getting Down to Facts II (GDTF II), that examines the many facets of California’s public education system. The report provides a broad snapshot of the current state

Strengthening Bonds Across Borders Centro Guest Speaker Shares State of Schools and Students in Puerto Rico

August 3, 2018 by | Community

Mercedes Martinez, President of the Federation of Puerto Rican Teachers (FMPR), spoke recently at Attallah College’s Centro Comunitario de Educación. In addition to detailing current events, she gave a short history of the FMPR’s many year struggle to prevent the closure of community schools and its fight against the privatization of public schools. Due to

Opening Doors and Helping Others Padres Unidos Program Completion Ceremony Honors Community Workers

June 12, 2018 by | News

Cheered on by hundreds of friends and family, nearly 30 women became the fourth cohort to complete the Padres Unidos Community Worker Award program on Saturday, June 2. The ceremony is the culmination of two years of extended education courses and embedded community fieldwork. Cultivating Community In 2010, Chapman University’s Attallah College of Educational Studies

Publishing Party Highlights Student Work Yorba-Chapman Writing Project Celebration

May 7, 2018 by Talia Cain '19 | Community

On Thursday April 26 students from Yorba Academy of the Arts Middle School visited Chapman to celebrate their accomplishments in this year’s Yorba-Chapman Writing Partnership. The Publishing Party welcomed not just Yorba students but their families and friends, Yorba teachers and administrators, and Chapman Integrated Educational Studies (IES) students and faculty. All attendees were given

Yorba-Chapman Writing Partnership Fosters Local Student Writers

April 23, 2018 by Talia Cain | Community

For the last three months, students from Chapman’s Integrated Educational Studies (IES) program have been visiting Yorba Academy of the Arts Middle School to teach journalistic writing. Dr. Noah Golden’s IES 412 course “Teaching Writing K-12” has partnered with Yorba for the past three years, giving IES students hands-on experience practicing the different teaching methodologies

Special Guests from XITO Presenting at 3rd Annual Education & Ethnic Studies

April 13, 2018 by | News

The Donna Ford Attallah College of Educational Studies is excited to announce the Xicanx Institute for Teaching and Organizing (XITO) will be joining us for the 3rd Annual Education and Ethnic Studies Summit on Saturday, April 28, 2018. Founded by former Mexican-American/Raza Studies (MARS) teachers and scholar-activist Dr. Anita Fernández, XITO is an urban education

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