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Research Symposium Success

June 14, 2011 by | Events

Twelve members of the faculty and six PhD students in the College of Educational Studies joined five faculty members, the Associate Dean, and the Coordinator of International Programs from the School of Education at the University of Waikato in New Zealand for three days of talks, May 23-25, on the Chapman campus.  From getting acquainted

CES to Co-Host the First Annual Emerging Scholars Conference

June 3, 2011 by | Conferences

On September 23rd and 24th, 2011 the College of Educational Studies and the School of Law will co-host the First Annual Emerging Scholars Conference. The conference will explore issues of disability, diversity, and human rights in education, the social sciences, humanities, and law. There will be paper presentations by emerging scholars—including doctoral students, law students,

CES Leadership Director, Mark Maier Moderates Leadership symposium “Truth, Lies & O-Rings: Lessons From Challenger”

January 24, 2011 by | Conferences

This extraordinary symposium held on January 24, 2011 offered insight into the leadership practices that contributed to the Challenger disaster, and discussed how these practices continue to harm business and government today. By exploring how certain leadership styles generated a cascade of failures – from the space shuttle catastrophes to the Enron and Madoff debacles

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