99 posts categorized in



All You Need to Know about the CBEST and CSET

November 30, 2020 by | Community

If you’re planning to apply to a teaching credential graduate program in the state of California, two tests are often required for admission: the CBEST (California Basic Educational Skills Test) and CSET (California Subject Examinations for Teachers). What do these tests cover? What’s the difference? Do you need to take both? This helpful guide tells

6 Key Takeaways from Job Postings November 2020 Career Focus

November 2, 2020 by | Students

Last month’s Career Focus article reflected on your talents, interests, skills, values, and personality. We then applied that information to frame your job search. This month, let’s focus on how to analyze a job description. In general, most job descriptions include six key sections that we can look at in detail for keys to a

Chapman Teacher Candidates Pilot Innovative OUSD Fieldwork Model

October 28, 2020 by | News

Beginning in Fall 2019, students in Chapman’s MACI (Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction) program piloted a new Teacher Candidate Fieldwork Model with partner district OUSD (Orange Unified School District). The Chapman MACI students, who are part of the Attallah College of Educational Studies’ accelerated teacher education program, earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees and

Know Yourself and Know What You Want October 2020 Career Focus

October 12, 2020 by | Students

For this month’s Career Focus, let’s concentrate on knowing yourself and knowing what you want. Know Yourself Whether you’re still in school or an experienced professional, now is a great time to get to know yourself — namely, your talents, interests, skills, values, and personality. The better you understand yourself, the easier it will be

Chapman and Shanghai Normal University Partnership Expands with Second Cohort Ph.D. in Education Program Welcomes New Students from SNU in Fall 2020

September 30, 2020 by | News

Following the successful implementation of a three-year pilot program, Chapman University and Shanghai Normal University (SNU, also known as SHNU) have further expanded their partnership. Beginning in fall 2020, a second cohort of students from SNU have enrolled in the Attallah College of Educational Studies Ph.D. in Education program. “It has been a wonderful experience

Career Services for Attallah College Students and Alumni

August 14, 2020 by | Community

For those hoping to continue or start a job search during these challenging times, the good news is many companies, nonprofits, schools, and districts are still hiring. Your Attallah College Career Advisor Dr. John Bacolores has put together some advice, tips, and resources on locating open positions, resume tips, continuing education, and more. Who Is

Message from the Dean Update on fieldwork and practicum offerings for fall 2020

July 29, 2020 by Roxanne Greitz Miller, Ed.D. | News

As the Interim Dean of the Attallah College of Educational Studies and a former public school teacher, I personally understand the deep impact and importance of our fieldwork experiences to the professional development of all students in our programs. As a result of recent state mandates, as well as the continued health impacts of COVID-19

Bridging the Distance Enhanced Curriculum in Chapman Graduate Education Programs During Remote Learning

July 28, 2020 by | Community

A hallmark of the professional graduate programs in Chapman University’s Attallah College of Educational Studies has always been hands-on learning. Future teachers, school counselors, and school psychologists have early access to fieldwork and are given frequent opportunities to make connections in the communities they will serve. Like all instruction nationwide, Chapman University courses moved online

The Next Chapter IES Senior Spotlights 

April 29, 2020 by Eden Jacnuk ‘21 and Adelin Tiburcio ‘21 | Community

The Attallah College Undergraduate Newsletter interviewed Nicole Williams ’20 and Cala Gin ’20, two graduating leadership chairs of the Attallah College Undergraduate Leadership Council. As the 2019-2020 academic year comes to a close, we asked about their thoughts and reflections, their goals and aspirations for the future, as well as some words of advice for

Reflections on an Academic Life Message from Dr. Kim Padulo

April 29, 2020 by Dr. Kim Padulo | Community

Dr. Kim Padulo has served as Program Coordinator for the Integrated Educational Studies (IES) program and Director of Undergraduate Education. She has taught undergraduate courses in both Leadership Studies (LEAD) and IES since 2002. Here, Dr. Padulo shares some reflections as she concludes her time at Chapman and begins a new chapter in her life

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