2 posts tagged

Centro Comunitario de Educación


Harvest of Loneliness: The Bracero Program Screening and Q&A with Filmmaker Dr. Gilbert G. Gonzales

November 13, 2019 by Tiffany Chen '22 | News

Given recent changes to and interpretations of US immigration policy, it is pertinent for US citizens to understand the history of American immigration agreements and programs. One such program implemented in the mid-20th century, the US Bracero Program, brought millions of guest workers to the United States from  Mexico. Even in its time, the Bracero

Strengthening Bonds Across Borders Centro Guest Speaker Shares State of Schools and Students in Puerto Rico

August 3, 2018 by | Community

Mercedes Martinez, President of the Federation of Puerto Rican Teachers (FMPR), spoke recently at Attallah College’s Centro Comunitario de Educación. In addition to detailing current events, she gave a short history of the FMPR’s many year struggle to prevent the closure of community schools and its fight against the privatization of public schools. Due to

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