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Six Questions With Dr. Mark Harrison Fowler School of Engineering Faculty Highlight

July 20, 2022 by | Students

Faculty Name: Dr. Mark Harrison Courses Taught: CPSC 230, CPSC 351, EENG 410 (starting spring 2023) Current Research: I work on designing integrated nanophotonic devices (really small circuits that guide light) for information processing applications (improving communication and computing networks). We use powerful computer simulation tools to design the devices, get them fabricated, then we test

Fowler School of Engineering 2022 Research Seed Fund Grantees Congratulations to Dr. Trudi Qi and Dr. Alexander Kurz!

May 6, 2022 by | Research

Chapman University’s Office of Research offered the Research Seed Fund for the first time this year. The Research Seed Fund provides competitive, merit-based support to short-term projects intended to support Chapman University faculty in the development of new and innovative research. Awards are for a maximum of $20,000 and a period of 12 months. All

Two Fowler Engineering Faculty Receive Competitive National Science Foundation Grants Dhanya Nair and Nasim Estakhri awarded NSF-ERI grants to support their research.

January 23, 2022 by | Research

Two Fowler Engineering faculty members received a competitive grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to further their research. Dhanya Nair, Ph.D. and Nasim Estakhri, Ph.D.  were awarded these grants late last year and early 2022. The National Science Foundation (NSF) is an independent federal agency created by Congress in 1950 “to promote the progress

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