40 posts categorized in



Student Reflection by Yasmeen Abu Khalaf '21

January 25, 2021 by Yasmeen Abu Khalaf | Uncategorized

Working at the Fish Interfaith Center has been an incredible part of my journey as a student at Chapman. My freshman year at Chapman I really struggled to find a community and a space that felt truly inclusive and welcoming. So I was quite pleased when I learned that Fish was hiring my sophomore year

Feeling the Finals Stress? here are 10 tips to cope!

December 4, 2020 by | Uncategorized

1. Schedule time to talk to a Chaplain Visit the Listening Windows Booking Page to sign up. 2. Drop into Be Seen, Be Heard, Be loved A space led by Yvette Hernandez ’13 3. Practice Centering Prayer Connecting with God: Growing with Centering Prayer  4. Draw your own labyrinth on paper and trace it with

The Buddy System by Jennifer Ruby '07

October 15, 2020 by | Uncategorized

I am a big believer in the buddy system. For me, the buddy system means that you have someone to help hold you accountable, to help support you and that you provide the same to them. I worked in retail for over a decade and found the buddy system was crucial in order to run

Alumni Spotlight by Cassidy Jensen Combs '16

October 4, 2020 by | Uncategorized

It’s 5:00 AM and I wake up to a loud voice in Arabic signifying the call to prayer. I look out the window over the mosque and think of the Muslims waking up to pray and begin their day with worship. Although I am not a Muslim, it calls me to a sense of peace

Weekly Prayer Gathering in the Time of Covid Past Prayer Services

August 10, 2020 by | Uncategorized

Every Friday 10:30-45am PST Join Rev. Nancy Brink, Attallah Endowed Director of Church Relations at Chapman University, and members of the Chapman community as we lift our hearts together, engaging resources from the Bible as well as from contemporary writers. Links to Prayers Services: Friday, April 10 Friday, April 17 Friday, April 24 Friday, May

The Syllabus Reflection by Prof. Mildred Lewis

June 25, 2020 by | Uncategorized

It’s that time again to begin creating or revising syllabi for fall – this year for “hyflex” classrooms! I am deeply grateful to Mildred Lewis for helping open our awareness, as faculty prepare and students scan “The Syllabus.” Gail Stearns, Dean, Wallace All Faiths Chapel In my first semester of college I realized that syllabi

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