A Conversation on Compassion & Kindness (Apr. 7th)

March 30, 2022 by | Mental Health & Wellness

Apr. 7th, 7-9pm PST Fish Interfaith Center (Wallace All Faiths Chapel) In a world consumed by grief and loss, chaos and war, it’s easy to feel hopeless and helpless. Now more than ever we need tools to cultivate greater compassion and kindness in the world. It starts with us!   Enjoy an inspiring and reflective evening


Responding to Ukraine as the Chapman community

March 4, 2022 by | Peace & Social Justice

I am writing to you on March 4. On this date in 1861, in Washington, DC, Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as the 16th President of the United States. In Woodland, CA, Hesperian College timed its opening to coincide with Lincoln’s inauguration. At the time, colleges were being established all over the west, but this one


Malcolm X - A Reflection

February 22, 2022 by | Uncategorized

The United States of America has many commemorations, including race and ethnicity, gender, people, and events. I want to ask you a question, but I would like to paint the scenario first. At one time, a man lived in a racist era. Hostility was the norm. His parents, however, fought against racism. Unfortunately, members of


The Fierce Urgency of Now

February 9, 2022 by Dr. Jacob Rennaker | Uncategorized

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech is a masterpiece that’s well worth re-visiting. It’s like a diamond—created under enormous pressure and precious beyond expression. Each time I come back to it, I’m dazzled by a different facet and find myself speechless. That’s how I know it’s part of something bigger and


Mindful, Mad, and Grateful after Colleyville

January 24, 2022 by | Uncategorized

As I write this I am mindful, mad, and grateful on the heels of the hostage situation at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas. I am mindful that anti-Semitism continues to rear its ugly face in our country, a place that should be one of equality and justice, home to persons of all religions and


Black History Month Reflections

January 18, 2022 by Rev. Nancy Brink | Chaplain Musings

From Rev. Nancy Brink – We are in the midst of Black History Month. How important it is, to seek out and learn the many hidden tragedies and even greater triumphs of Black Americans that are largely hidden in our teaching of history. But is history enough? I have been doing a great deal of



December 6, 2021 by Rev. Nancy Brink | Uncategorized

The Gathering Darkness Solstice will soon be with us. December 21 is the longest night of the year for those of us living in the northern hemisphere. As we grow closer, the sun sets earlier. Generally, I have ignored this season and just complained about driving home from work in the dark. This year I


When Giving Thanks Goes Wrong

November 23, 2021 by Dr. Jacob Rennaker | Uncategorized

We sometimes hear about the importance of gratitude and its benefits for our mental and spiritual health. And it seems like a really good idea. I, for one, could do more to be mindful of what I have in my life and truly appreciate it. But is giving thanks always a good thing? In the


“Those who do not remember before their own births are orphans.” *

October 15, 2021 by Rev. Nancy Brink | Chaplain Musings

In these days when we are wrestling with all of the issues brought to us by COVID-19, I find it helpful to remember Chapman’s past. Perhaps our connection to Chapman’s founders, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) can help us reframe our present and point us into the future. This is not the first very


Latine y Musulmán/Musulmana

October 8, 2021 by | Uncategorized

  For over a year, an Islamic center has invited me to an evening program entitled “Coffee with the Shaykh,” an opportunity for new and re-committed Muslims to ask questions to Islamic scholars. I have noticed two things: most are women, and many are Latine. Their participation, deep questions about Islam, and the presence of

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