5 posts tagged



Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind Strategies for Emotional, Mental & Spiritual Wellbeing

September 14, 2020 by | Mental Health & Wellness

Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind As a college student myself once, I know all too well how stressful, overwhelming, and anxiety-producing attending university can be—especially during these challenging times. Even as adults, we still require tools and strategies for managing stress and coping with uncertainty. If you can relate to any or more of the following right

Be Adaptive, Not Reactive to Change "Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind" Series (Week 1)

April 23, 2020 by | Mental Health & Wellness

BE ADAPTIVE, NOT REACTIVE TO CHANGE “Healthy Brain, Healthy Mind” Series Chapman University’s Director of Contemplative Practices and Well-being Advances Strategies for Coping During Crisis and Uncertainty. Navigating change is never easy. Whether it’s a health scare, personal loss, or financial hardship, it’s natural to experience anxiety, grief, and a lack of feeling in control.

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