75 posts categorized in

Education, Internet, and Technology


Ecotasks – An Energy Saving App Emma Garofalo, Matt Shugarte, Michael Smith, Thomas Kim, Ewan Shen, David Giani

May 10, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Climate change is one of the biggest challenges facing today’s world and is driven in large part by the widespread burning of fossil fuels. Today, 60% of electricity is generated from fossil fuels, much of which is used by everyday individuals. Unfortunately, poor energy habits lead to a substantial portion of the average American’s energy

Illness and Disability Awareness In Children’s Media Briana Craig, Daisy Fernandez-Reyes, Serena Wamba-Fosso, Sarah Yoon

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our challenge was addressing the lack of fun educational products that teach about illness and disability in children’s media. This is a problem because kids need to understand the basics about common medical conditions to help them accommodate their classmates and help them empathize with their friends. Existing educational media tends to be unengaging for

JAC Profit Jeremiah Hizon, Arjun Rao, Chad Hiji-Madrid

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

We are creating a stock forecasting app by analyzing human interaction with certain stocks through Twitter. We hope to use the data and trends to help anyone interested in the stock market, as well as analyze and anticipate when a crash will occur. Full poster: JACProfit

Smart Charger: Utilizing Trickle Charging to Extend Battery Life Victor Aguilar, Davis Endow, Andrew Hess, Aidan Milsap, Matthew Son, Sam Thompson

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our goal is to create a device that helps reduce the amount of e-waste produced by extending the battery life of single-life electronics through trickle charging. By avoiding overcharging electronics, its battery is able to sustain longer periods of use without adverse effects. View the full poster here

Flattening the Duck Curve Ryan Jewik, Schuyler Huang, Jaden Johnson, Michael Cheng, Kevin Huang

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

We addressed the California energy ‘duck’ curve problem with a more intelligent and efficient household thermostat. Our goal was to alleviate the strain on the electrical grid during times of peak energy demand by redirecting demand to a more favorable time during the day. Our strategy was to create a smart thermostat that would utilize

Democracy Exchange: Combating Political Corruption Through Board Gaming Vinira Kayisaier, Jace D’Angelo, Hamza Ghosheh, James Park

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Since the beginning of the Spring Semester, our main focus for our GCI project was to create a game that emphasized the importance of political corruption and gerrymandering. American politics itself IS a game, which involves chance and controversial transactions throughout a typical campaign. The goal of this board game is to not only be

Adapting Video Game AI Agents for Real-World Challenges Alex Wunderli, Chris Joo, Lydia Park, Will Curtiss

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

The grand challenge of this project is to use video games and virtual environments to train agents for real-world robotics use. This project is important because it aims to improve the ability and efficiency of training robots. Using virtual environments allows for fast and cheap training and testing. We used a deep reinforcement learning algorithm

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