71 posts categorized in

Environment and Sustainability


Using Permeable Concrete as a Solution for Urban Runoff and Flooding Peter Serour, Karchi Ertl, Fabian Valdez, Ahmad Alrusayes, Nyssa Arai, Desmond Talia

May 11, 2020 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our goal is to create the most viable and cost-efficient permeable concrete. We want to make permeable concrete an alternative to combatting flash floods and other natural disasters. Using scientific journals, we have studied other scientists’ research of permeable concrete and applied it to our experiment. Permeable Concrete for Urban Runoff

Wave Ahead of the Energy Crisis (Wave power generator) Cadre Carrigan, Hannah Waldorf, Sabrina Nash, Ben Stoddard, Clay Cranston, Lucas Speciale

May 11, 2020 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

We decided to tackle the grand challenge of finding significant renewable energy sources. Our project is a linear generator that absorbs the power of ocean waves. We created a prototype and experimental and theoretical energy outputs from this prototype. Wave Ahead of the Energy Crisis  

What’s Better, Fresh Air or Keck’s Air? Comparing Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality Yuki Chen, Mimi Fhima, Krystal Flores, Tommy Rocha, DJ Walia

May 11, 2020 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our team’s grand challenge is investigating and comparing indoor and outdoor air quality in reference to particulate matter. Since PM particles are microscopic, they can be easily inhaled and can cause severe respiratory problems and heart malfunctions that can lead to death. Consequently, we decided to collect and analyze the air quality present and surrounding

Recycling Plastic Waste with a 3D Printer Filament Extruder Ian Rasmussen, Alberto Ng, Jeremy Anderson, Brandon Jafari, Rob Younes, Ben Bartol

May 11, 2020 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

In 2017, 348 million metric tons, which is equivalent to the weight of 1,051 Empire State Buildings, of plastic were produced worldwide (PlasticsEurope). The most broad solution to the plastic problem is recycling. In our project, we try to attempt a more profitable and effective solution to help reuse the plastics from the ocean. 3D

Detecting Microplastics in the Environment with Fluorescence Spectroscopy Emma Kocik, Gabriela Nerhood, Garrett Bolen, Alexandra Schmelzer, Camille Troncone, Finn White, Abbey Riley

May 9, 2020 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our grand challenge is to solve the problem of microplastic pollution in the ocean. We sought to find an efficient method to identify microplastics in natural seawater samples as current sampling methods are costly and time-consuming. Fluorescence spectroscopy was explored and showed promising results as a quick way to differentiate between and identify specific plastic

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