184 posts categorized in

Grand Challenges Initiative


The ECOSTRESS-ful Search for an Alternative Measurement of Plant Water Content Linus Fujisawa, Szymon Kozlowski, Thomas Kudey, Diego Murillo, Joaquin Murillo, Eric Villanueva

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our grand challenge is to evaluate whether or not emerging satellite remote sensing tools can be used to infer plant function, particularly with respect to plant water content. We studied patterns of plant water content inferred by Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD) from NASA’s SMAP mission and plant water use inferred by Evapotranspiration (ET) using NASA’s

Using Satellites to Improve Water Management Kellianne Bogart, Holland Hatch, Ryan Joshi, Christabel Naddour, Sally Van Riper

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Water management is crucial for New Mexico as it is one of the driest states. Inefficient allocation of water only worsens water scarcity. Satellite data can measure variables we need for our 3 domains. For ag, evapotranspiration (ET) is compared between pivot and non-pivot irrigation. Evaporative stress index (ESI) is used to measure severity of

Democracy Exchange: Combating Political Corruption Through Board Gaming Vinira Kayisaier, Jace D’Angelo, Hamza Ghosheh, James Park

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Since the beginning of the Spring Semester, our main focus for our GCI project was to create a game that emphasized the importance of political corruption and gerrymandering. American politics itself IS a game, which involves chance and controversial transactions throughout a typical campaign. The goal of this board game is to not only be

Adapting Video Game AI Agents for Real-World Challenges Alex Wunderli, Chris Joo, Lydia Park, Will Curtiss

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

The grand challenge of this project is to use video games and virtual environments to train agents for real-world robotics use. This project is important because it aims to improve the ability and efficiency of training robots. Using virtual environments allows for fast and cheap training and testing. We used a deep reinforcement learning algorithm

Internet Safety for Kids Mason Pennell, Kevin Le, Ariel Kuo, Benson Lee

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

In the face of growing Internet complexity, children start interacting with the internet very early on. However, internet safety has not been taken as seriously as it should be by schools. To help current and future generations, we’ve created a syllabus that elementary schools can implement in their curriculum. Our syllabus intends to tackle all

Animal Crossing: Tracking Animal Movement Alondra Duran, Chloe Gambeno, Abby Guzman, Brandon Hughes, Chris Lopez

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Documenting the activity of rarely seen animals can be extremely helpful in putting together conservancy efforts for certain wildlife areas that interfere with human infrastructures. Data was used by collecting pictures and videos from trail cameras in enclosed and not enclosed sunflowers at the Irvine Ranch Conservancy. Findings indicated that more species were founded in

An Application For Detecting Grocery Store Discounts Matthew Favela, Tiffany Le, Hunter Peasley, Caden Goodwin, Ethan Santana, and Ryan Shihabi

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Companies have no way of verifying if their discounts are in circulation. Providing discounts at unscheduled times can cause revenue loss for companies. Our proposed solution is to create an object detection model capable of locating product discounts and a mobile app to communicate the model’s findings with the product’s company. We are the first

Beeswax as a Natural Fruit Coating to Reduce Post-Harvest Loss Mac Nelson, Kat Friedland, Renick Martin, Keon Jafari, Paulla Banatin, Mariam Elrabat

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Post-harvest decay is responsible for significant losses in fruit markets. In this project, several resins were made from beeswax in attempt to mitigate post-harvest decay. The resins created provide a cheap, efficient, and biodegradable option for farmers to reduce their post-harvest loss. View the full poster here

Asteroid Mitigation Chaz Gillette, Anna Harner, Rohm Tandon, Thomas Jordan

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Asteroid impacts pose a serious threat to Earth, but there are limited defense mechanisms in place. Our team developed a program to showcase laser propulsion as a viable solution to asteroid mitigation. Through the implementation of derived equations, we were able to create a simulation that displays how a laser satellite could be used to

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