161 posts categorized in

Student presentations


Interactive Air Quality Monitoring at Chapman University Daniela Martinez Picazo, Larissa Mejia-Lopez and Nathan Ranaei

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Our goal was to test the likelihood of high temporal variation in air quality in Chapman University campus. Our data showed that high peaks are transient but can potentially impact health of some people. The results serve as a proof of concept for the need of a high spatial and temporal resolution monitoring network at

A Soap to Combat the Rise of Superbugs​ Joshua Abuyog, Jamie Chin, Stephanie Hoang, Mallory Fujiwara

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Superbugs, or microorganisms that have become resistant to antibiotic treatments, have developed in recent years due to the misuse of antibiotics (Tosh, 2022). The misuse of antibiotics most commonly refers to instances in which patients either use them inappropriately for minor infections or fail to complete their antibiotic regimens (Tosh, 2022). To combat this global

Sewage Drain Water Filter: Protecting the ocean at the source of the issue Charlie Budd, Ryan Benner, Morgan Rea, Brianna Terranova

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

We created a filtration system to combat the challenge of plastic pollution in the ocean. The increase of plastic pollution has taken a toll on the environment, specifically the ocean and its wildlife. The United States alone has produced over 40 million metric tons of plastic per year. With minimal policies in place to reduce

Soil Moisture Remote Sensor Arturo Haber, Troy Wilcox, Alana Pasion, Josie Lester, Luke Shankland, John Mulhern, Pranav Surmapudi

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Water wastage poses a significant challenge to our environment and stands as a leading contributor to climate change. A considerable amount of water is wasted daily in industries such as agriculture and landscaping, primarily due to insufficient information and suboptimal water management practices. To address this issue, we aimed to developed a comprehensive solution aimed

Improving Grafting in Bean Plants Robert Shellenberger, Jackson Helleland, Will Grant, Mauri Ada

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Grafting plants can bring beneficial traits without the need for genetic engineering. The procedure of legume grafting as well as the viability of soybean on bush bean grafts was tested. A cleft graft was used in each experiment with the variables being clipped leaves, shade, and aloe vera. Clipping leaves and applying shade was most

Finally. Smart Energy. For a Smart Home. Nathan Miller, Mia Lee, Karla Carmona, Willie Sine, Samuel Navias

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Initially beginning with wind energy, our team successfully created a residential wind turbine that could efficiently charge and maintain small household electronics & appliances. We soon realized we coudldn’t stop there. Wind energy was efficient, just not efficient enough for what we set out to do. We began to develop the Switch 1.0, a basic

Creating a metric to measure fire resistance of plants Jack de Bruyn, Jesse Arevalo Baez, Tyler Edwards, Cole Reiher, Evan Hughes

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

With the rise of global warming, wildfires have become an increasing problem. Global warming raises temperatures, which leads to an increase in the frequency and severity of wildfires. These wildfires, in turn, put more carbon into the atmosphere, creating a dangerous feedback loop. Additionally, the increased severity of these wildfires puts people living in wildfire-prone

Creating a Customizable Multi-Material 3D-Printed Ankle Brace Brandon Lee, Mattheos Drivas, Mo Lynch, Proud Kitnitchiva

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

A problem we observed in the standard procedure for post-ankle injury recovery is that the lack of customizability slows the rehabilitation process and increases the chance of re-injury. Our project aims to utilize the material diversity and versatility of 3D printing and scanning to create an ankle brace that fits each patient’s foot perfectly. It

SolarShine – A Robotic Cleaning System for Residential Solar Panels Nikhil Ahuja, Apoorva Chilukuri, Caroline Robinson, Kara Tangenberg

May 9, 2023 by Grand Challenges Initiative | Student presentations

Global warming is increasing at an alarming rate, with non-renewable energy sources to blame. They emit excessive amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere, yet the world continues to use them over renewables. With solar energy specifically, the cost and labor that comes with solar panel installation are what drive people away from using this resource.

Traumatic Brain Injuries: Memory Retention and Recovery Alyssa Agoado, Jessie Soliz, Leila Mahmoodi, Sophia Hickel

May 12, 2022 by | Student presentations

In the medical world, there are very limited resources that support patients with Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) with recovering memory in a cost-efficient, minimally invasive way. We created a medical professionals’ document and patient pamphlet outlining effective methods of recovering memory through dietary changes, physical exercise, cognitive games, and altered sleep habits. We also included

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