Springtime in Death Valley – California’s Gold (125)

Leave it to Huell to think he could go kayaking in Death Valley! But it turns out that’s exactly what he does as he travels to normally parched Death Valley National Park to kayak on the huge salt lake created by this year’s heavy rains. Ancient Lake Manly at Badwater only reappears about every 100 years, so he figured he better go for it.

In addition to the lake, Huell also captures the bounty of endless fields of wildflowers, which covered Death Valley this spring.

It’s all part of a one-hour special for everyone to enjoy as Huell shares with us this fine example of “California’s Gold.”

Keywords: #Charlie Callagan #David Austin #death valley #dry lake #John Klippenstein #kayaking #Lake Manly #Mojave Desert #Mojave River #Nevada #Rusty Austin #Shoshone #Silver Lake #springtime #Stateline# Terry Baldino #wildflowers