John Edward Smith was 18 years old when he was arrested for a murder he did not commit. The truth had been locked away with John in a cell since 1993. After spending 19 years in prison, John was exonerated with the help of Innocence Matters. Innocence Matters is a nonprofit organization dedicated to preventing wrongful convictions and honoring the truth. This case has a special connection to the Chapman Law community. Alumna Valerie Feltz Rone (’12) externed with Innocence Matters during her second year of law school and worked on the habeas corpus petition for John after visiting him in prison.

We are honored to host John at Chapman Law School and learn about the riveting and heartbreaking story about the trial that put him in prison and the truth that set him free. The event will be held on October 22nd at 11:45am in Room 237 A/B. Students, alumni, faculty and community members must register. This event is sponsored by the Criminal Law Society.