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Professor Eastman and Professor Hewitt to Discuss Obamacare

June 10, 2012 by | General News

Professor Eastman will be discussing the constitutionality of the Obama Administration’s health-care reform initiatives at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library at 7PM on Wednesday, June 13.  Professor Hewitt will be moderating the discussion between Professor Eastman and Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of UCI.  Click here for more information.    

Chapman Law Featured in OC Lawyer Magazine

June 10, 2012 by | General News

The Orange County Bar Association magazine, OC Lawyer, featured the Chapman University School of Law’s OC Bar Association Specialty Section Day, which allowed students to ask questions and interact with attorney representing the various sections within the OC Bar Association.  OC Bar Association members can access the most recent magazine online. 

100% of Alumni Advisory Board Give Cash Donation

June 5, 2012 by | General News

Chapman Law is pleased to report the success of the “100% Campaign,” in which it reached its goal  of receiving a donation from each of the 28 members of the Chapman Law Alumni Advisory Board.  The current board had a wide range of giving options, choosing to give almost exclusively to the Amicus Fund or

Chapman Law Film Clinic Movie Selected for LA Film Festival

May 23, 2012 by | General News

The Chapman Law Working With Filmmakers Clinic students worked last fall on the film “Dead Man’s Burden,” which has been selected for the 2012 Los Angeles Film Festival.   “Dead Man’s Burden” is a Western, set in the aftermath of the Civil War, and tells the story of  siblings who are reunited, but torn between their

Members of Class of 2012 Acknowledge Absent Classmate on Graduation Day

May 21, 2012 by | General News

Before members of the law school’s Class of 2012 began the procession to their graduation ceremony, they paused to recognize a special classmate who could not attend. First Lieutenant Rebecca Kipper, a member of the California Army’s National Guard, was called to military duty in February, just months before she would have completed her final

Professor Rotunda Published Article in National Law Journal

May 20, 2012 by | Faculty

Professor Rotunda co-authored an article published in The National Law Journal, entitled “Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct: High court should hear ‘Rubashkin’ to consider overzealous DOJ and judge who was essentially on prosecution team.”  The article talks about how, in the past few years, a series of federal judges have criticized the U.S. Department of Justice

Professor Eastman Published Op-Ed on Arizona Immigration

May 20, 2012 by | Faculty

Professor Eastman published an op-ed in Bloomberg, entitled “Arizona Leads U.S. in Real Immigration Reform.”  In it,  Professor Eastman commented on the Supreme Court hearing dealing with Arizona’s S.B. 1070 immigration law, saying that the Supreme Court justices appeared to be leaning toward accepting the federal government’s argument that when it imposed sanctions only on

Chapman Law Alumnus Speaks on Finding Job

May 20, 2012 by | Alumni

The Super Lawyers Blog featured Chapman Law 2010 alumnus, Atticus Wegman, discussing how he landed a great job right out of law school despite a very tough job market. Wegman is currently a civil litigation attorney at Aitken*Aitken*Cohn, one of nation’s top personal injury firms. Wegman started at the firm as a 2L law clerk, and continued

Professor Rotunda and Professor Schultz Honored

May 20, 2012 by | Faculty

Professor Ron Rotunda was honored with the Chapman University School of Law award for excellence in research.  Professor Nancy Schultz has won the Chapman University award for excellence in teaching.  Chapman offers its congratulations and appreciation to Professor Rotunda and Professor Schultz.  

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