Continued and increased student connectedness will be the focus of the 2016-2017 Student Bar Association (SBA) Executive Board, which was recently elected. The new board includes President Alexis King (JD ’17), Vice President Ashley Mascari (JD ’17), Treasurer Jon Abramson (JD ’17), Secretary Kristin Hayes (JD ’17) and Parliamentarian Ashley Davies (JD ’17).

King, President, received her bachelor’s degree in public relations with a minor in legal environment of business from Pennsylvania State University. As president, she hopes to bring students together through both social and professional events, and to increase communication between faculty and students.

“I am looking forward to further engrossing myself in student life by interacting with both my fellow students and the faculty to ensure that our school continues to foster an environment that is both academically rigorous and fulfilling,” she said.

Mascari, Vice President, graduated from Pennsylvania State University with a bachelor’s degree in Italian and political science. In addition to SBA, she is also on the Alternative Dispute Resolution Board and has served on the Nexus journal.

“This year I’m looking forward to working with the rest of all the amazing members of SBA to plan events that students are excited to attend and make my 3L year the best possible,” she said.

Abramson, who received his bachelor’s degree in media arts and animation from the Art Institute of California, Orange County, said he looks forward to helping other students become more involved on the Fowler School of Law campus through various events. He is also a member of the Chapman Air and Space Law Society, the Intellectual Property Law Society and the St. Thomas Moore Society.

Hayes, Secretary, received her bachelor’s degree from California State University, Fullerton in public relations. She is also president of the Mock Trial Board and a member of the Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF) and the Criminal Law Society.

“Although I enjoyed planning SBA’s events this past year, I am excited to have the opportunity to be more involved in the many facets of SBA and help effectuate a positive learning environment for all of the law students at Fowler School of Law,” she said.

Davies, Parliamentarian, received her bachelor’s degree in international studies from the University of San Francisco. She is currently also a member of PILF and the Moot Court Competition Boards.

“My main goal for the year is to ensure that there is transparency between SBA and the rest of the Fowler School of Law student body,” she said. “I want all Fowler students to feel that they can voice any concerns they may have. Next year is going to be a great year, and I want to do everything I possibly can to make sure that it’s memorable for all of us.”