With the passing of United States Supreme Court Justice
Antonin Scalia
, the Chapman community remembers the noted jurist’s visit to the law school in August 2005. Justice Scalia participated in a full day of activities as part of our annual Madison Lecture Series and 10th anniversary celebration. The events included the teaching of a special Constitutional Law course, meeting with the student Federalist Society, unveiling and dedication of our “Milestones on the Road to Freedom” lobby wall, a keynote presentation in Chapman University’s Memorial Hall, and the reenactment of a historic Supreme Court oral argument. In reenacting the landmark
Lochner v. New York
case, Justice Scalia played the role of Chief Justice Melville Fuller while Chapman law students and alumni took on the roles of the other justices. Chapman Professor John Eastman argued the case on behalf of Joseph Lochner while then California Attorney General Bill Lockyer argued on behalf of the state of New York. The historical archive video may be viewed

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

Chapman law students and alumni join Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia in a reenactment of the landmark Lochner v. New York case.