
Forbes Publishes Article by Professor Leigh Steinberg on his Approach to Teaching Sports Law at Chapman

September 10, 2013 by | Faculty

Leigh Steinberg, a Chapman Law professor and renown sports agent, was recently published by Forbes. In the article, Steinberg discusses his unique approach to teaching sports law at Chapman’s Fowler School of Law. Because of his desire to give students a holistic experience, the class covers common legal concerns such as standard player contracts and


Chapman Law Students Select Bar Prep Wizard Mario Mainero as 2013 “Outstanding Professor of the Year"

June 6, 2013 by | Faculty

Congratulations to Professor Mario Mainero, Chapman Law’s 2013 recipient of the M. Katherine Baird Darmer “Outstanding Professor of the Year” award. The Student Bar Association presented Professor Mainero with this award on May 17, 2013, during the 2013 Graduation Ceremony. Professor Mainero was an adjunct professor when Chapman first opened, but left to teach at


Professor Larry Rosenthal Discusses Supreme Court's Recent DNA Ruling on San Francisco NPR Broadcast

June 4, 2013 by | Faculty

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in Maryland v. King that police may take DNA from people arrested in connection with serious crimes. The federal government and 28 states, including California, collect DNA from people who have been arrested instead of waiting for a conviction. This morning, Chapman Law Professor Larry Rosenthal joined Erin Murphy, professor


Meet the Newest Faculty Members Joining Chapman Law

May 2, 2013 by | Faculty

The 2013-2014 academic year will be an exciting one as we welcome a host of new faculty members and courses. Chapman Law will be offering a broader array of new classes in areas such as international trade law, healthcare law, patent law, mergers and acquisitions, practice transactions, in-house corporate practice, video game law, patent litigation


Faculty Spotlight: Marisa S. Cianciarulo

April 29, 2013 by | Faculty

Professor Marisa S. Cianciarulo has taught at Chapman University School of Law since 2006. She currently teaches Civil Procedure, the Family Violence Clinic, Gender & the Law, and Refugee Law. She earned a bachelor’s degree at the Catholic University of America, a JD at American University Washington College of Law and a Masters in International


Remembering Professor Katherine Darmer

February 15, 2013 by | Faculty

One year ago, we lost a treasured member of the law school community—Professor Katherine Darmer. Professor Darmer was an excellent scholar and teacher. In addition, she devoted her amazing advocacy talents to a number of causes including marriage equality and human rights. We are pleased to announce that a scholarship has been created in memory


Faculty Spotlight: Meet Professor Rob Morrow

November 28, 2012 by | Faculty

Professor Rob Morrow has an interesting way of teaching, to say the least. Instead of focusing solely on a barrage of appellate case law in his mandatory Federal Income Tax class, he strategically ties his lectures to popular culture. For example, Gandalf, Gollum and the Eye of Sauron—popular characters in The Lord of the Rings

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