35 posts tagged



LA Times Publishes Dean Campbell’s Op-Ed

August 21, 2011 by | Faculty

The Los Angeles Times published an op-ed by Dean Tom Campbell entitled “A federal boost for the jobs market.”  In the piece, Dean Campell proposed, “The government could agree to provide for 50% of a new employee’s salary if an employer adds a job and gives it to someone who’s been out of work six

Dean Campbell Interviewed on Corporate Social Responsibility

May 23, 2011 by | Faculty

On May 23, “RealClearPolitics” interviewed Dean Tom Campbell about Corporate Social Responsibility.  Dean Campbell defined CSR for “RealClearPolitics” as a corporation’s sense of obligation “to do something more than to simply make a financial profit.” He went on to state that “most often that something more involves a good environmental record, or something good for

Professor Campbell Featured in Article on Immigration Law

May 18, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Tom Campbell was featured in an article discussing why he won’t sign ‘no tax pledge’ as well as his support of Arizona’s recent immigration law. The “no tax pledge” signed by his Republican opponents is “easy and popular, but it isn’t right,” said Tom Campbell. Read the full article here.

Article Profiles Professor Campbell’s Campaign for Senate Seat

April 12, 2010 by | Faculty

The Sacramento Bee profiled Professor Tom Campbell and characterized his current campaign for a seat on the Senate as one distinguished by politeness. “‘He’s no put-on, he’s no phony, he’s the real deal,’ said H. Faye Lawson, who worked with Campbell at UC Berkeley’s Haas School of Business, where Campbell was dean.” Read the article…

Professor Campbell Quoted on Prop 8

October 18, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor and Gubernatorial candidate Tom Campbell was quoted in an article in the San Diego Tribune, entitled “Marriage law unconstitutional, GOP hopeful says.”  In the article, Professor Campbell stated, “This particular bill created greater rights for those couples married out of state after the date of Prop. 8 than same-sex couples within the state,

Professor Campbell Addresses CA Republican Convention

September 28, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor and gubernatorial candidate Tom Campbell recently addressed the California Republican State Convention on September 25th to talk about his experiences in politics, education and to explain his motivation to run for Governor in 2010. Read the Los Angeles Times article here.

Professor Campbell Comments on Health Insurance

September 24, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor and gubernatorial candidate Tom Campbell recently laid out a plan to provide health insurance for all Californians that will not increase taxes. Campbell favors the interstate sale of medical insurance to drive down costs and the repeal of anti-trust exemption for insurance. Read the Orange County Register article here.

Professor Campbell Makes Radio Appearance

September 23, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor Tom Campbell spoke on 90.3 KPCV to discuss his original interest in politics and education. He explained his ideological views saying that the overriding concept in his political views is the importance of preserving one’s liberty. Read more…

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