67 posts tagged



Fowler School of Law Professor John Eastman Testifies Before U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts

July 29, 2015 by | Faculty

Chapman University Dale E. Fowler School of Law Professor John Eastman testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary’s Subcommittee on Oversight, Agency Action, Federal Rights and Federal Courts on Wednesday, July 22, 2015. At the hearing, entitled “With Prejudice: Supreme Court Activism and Possible Solutions,” Professor Eastman was invited to testify on the

Professor Eastman Comments on Supreme Court’s Health Care Decision

July 8, 2012 by | Faculty

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s health care decision, many Chapman law professors have been quoted in the media.  Professor Eastman appeared on National Public Radio on June 29, 2012 to discuss the decision, saying, “This was a sellout of monumental proportions for those that recognize that there are limits on the federal power

Professor Eastman and Professor Hewitt to Discuss Obamacare

June 10, 2012 by | General News

Professor Eastman will be discussing the constitutionality of the Obama Administration’s health-care reform initiatives at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library at 7PM on Wednesday, June 13.  Professor Hewitt will be moderating the discussion between Professor Eastman and Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean of UCI.  Click here for more information.    

Professor Eastman Published Op-Ed on Arizona Immigration

May 20, 2012 by | Faculty

Professor Eastman published an op-ed in Bloomberg, entitled “Arizona Leads U.S. in Real Immigration Reform.”  In it,  Professor Eastman commented on the Supreme Court hearing dealing with Arizona’s S.B. 1070 immigration law, saying that the Supreme Court justices appeared to be leaning toward accepting the federal government’s argument that when it imposed sanctions only on

Chapman Law in the Media: March 12-25

March 25, 2012 by | Faculty

Professor Rotunda was quoted in an article entitled “Federal court says French must play by American rules” in LegalNewsline.  Read about it here. Professor Eastman was quoted in an article entitled “Health care law brawl arrives at Supreme Court steps” on FoxNews.com.  Read his remarks here. Professor Caso was quoted in a column entitled “Brian

Professor Eastman on PBS News, ABC Radio, and L.A. Times

February 12, 2012 by | Faculty

Professor Eastman, who also serves as  chairman of the National Organization for Marriage, has appeared all over television shows, radio shows, and newspapers, following the decision from the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that declared Prop. 8 unconstitutional.  He appeared on “PBS Newshour,” saying that Prop. 8, “applies to one man and one woman.  That

Professor Eastman Makes Radio Appearance on Prop 8

February 7, 2012 by | Faculty

While California awaited the decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals on the constitutionality of Proposition 8, Professor Eastman made a radio appearance commenting on the likely ruling.   He said that after hearing oral arguments, the Ninth Circuit panel will feel that Prop 8 is unconstitutional, but commented that “[t]he question is whether they

Dean Eastman Featured in Article for Dual of Wits

January 15, 2012 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman was featured in a Gazette Newspaper article entitled, “Understanding Law Though Inn Of Court.”  The article discusses Dean Eastman’s engagement in a civilized “dual of wits” with Dean Erwin Chemerinsky at the esteemed Long Beach Joseph A. Ball/ Clarence S. Hunt American Inn of Court.  Read more here.

Professor Eastman Quoted on Illegal Immigration

December 30, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Eastman was quoted in an article in The Chicago Tribune.  The article  says that as the debate rages on about individual state’s rights to adopt more rigid policies regarding illegal immigration, federal judges have recently blocked strict new immigration laws adopted by conservative legislatures in a half-dozen states. Now, as the cases head to

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