67 posts tagged



Professor Eastman Quoted in Article on National Prayer Day

May 6, 2010 by | Faculty

Former Chapman Law Dean and state attorney general hopeful John Eastman was recently quoted in the San Francisco Chronicle in an article entitled “Judge’s ruling puts prayer day in spotlight” about the April 15th Crabb ruling declaring National Prayer Day unconstitutional. Read the article here.

Dean Eastman Receives Support from Conservative Leaders

February 22, 2010 by | Faculty

Former Chapman Law Dean and state attorney general hopeful John Eastman received considerable support from national conservative leaders, who hosted a fundraising event for Eastman at the Capitol Hill Club. “My native state of California has suffered so much from attorney general Jerry Brown’s malfeasance that I am especially delighted by the news that constitutional

Dean Eastman Participated in Federalist Society Panel

November 12, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman of Chapman University School of Law recently participated in a Federalist Society Panel to discuss whether the judiciary should reinterpret Congresses power to tax and spend for the country’s general welfare. Dean Eastman believes, “If we understood that ‘general’ meant national interest… much of what passes for spending these days is not

Dean Eastman in Battle of Law School Deans

September 24, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman participated in the “Battle of Law School Deans” against UCI Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, a debate that addressed “Constitutional Fidelity: Original Intent or Evolving Interpretation?” Due to strong demand, the debate was moved from the law school’s lecture hall to Chapman University’s Memorial Hall, which holds 1,000 guests. View webcast of debate… This

Dean Eastman Quoted on Death Penalty

September 20, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean Eastman was quote in an article in the Chicago Tribune, entitled “Death penalty: Is 2nd try at lethal injection too cruel?”  The article discussed the specific case of Romell Broom, the recipient of 2.5 hours of failed injection execution attempts.  Dean Eastman questioned whether the Supreme Court would conclude that the experience rose to

Dean Eastman in Webcast About Constitution

September 16, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman participated in a Berkley Law School webcast about the different methods of interpretations for the US Constitution, how the Constitution applies to an always-changing society, and the future of Constitutional law. Read More…

Friendly Rivalry Between Chapman and UCI Deans

September 3, 2009 by | General News

On September 28, The Shark, reported on the recent “Battle of the Law School Deans” at Chapman University.  The piece entitled, “Rivalry Could Be Healthy for Chapman and Irvine Law Schools” discussed the September 24 debate between Chapman’s Dean John Eastman and UCI law school Dean Erwin Chemerinsky, and their “friendly rivalry” arising from their

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