55 posts tagged



Professor Eggert Interviewed for Series of Mortgage Articles

August 15, 2011 by | Faculty

The Detroit Free Press interviewed Professor Kurt Eggert, a national expert on mortgage issues, in a series of articles about mortgage principal reductions.  “If you don’t do principal reductions as home prices decrease, more people walk away from their mortgages,” said Professor Eggert. “If the house is substantially underwater, borrowers have much less incentive to

LA Times Interviews Professor Eggert

July 21, 2011 by | Faculty

The Los Angeles Times interviewed Professor Kurt Eggert in an article entitled, “Consumer-Protection Agency Launches amid Lingering Controversy,” about the government’s role in financial abuses. Professor Eggert told the Times that the continued battle over the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau shows how much it is needed. “There’s kind of a war going on to, if

Professor Eggert Quoted in Article on Goldman Sachs

March 16, 2011 by | Faculty

The Financial Times quoted Professor Kurt Eggert in an article about Goldman Sachs attempting to sell a mortgage servicing operation. “There is an inherent conflict when a bank that is betting on the housing market owns a company that can affect the default rates of the loans underlying that market,” Professor Kurt Eggert said. Read

Washington Post Quotes Professor Eggert

January 7, 2011 by | Faculty

The Washington Post quoted Professor Kurt Eggert in an article about a foreclosure case that recently went before the Massachusetts Supreme Court. Professor Eggert discussed the problems with the legal argument the banking industry had been using to reassure investors and the public that everything was okay. “The banking industry has dismissed problems such as

Professor Eggert Quoted in Article on Financial Reform

December 8, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in the UK Guardian, in an article entitled, “Let’s Not Foreclose on Financial Reform.” The article highlighted Professor Eggert’s recent testimony at the December 1 hearing before the U.S Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs. “The regulators often have been worried more about the soundness of banks than

Professor Eggert Invited to Testify Before US Senate Committee

November 23, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert has been invited to testify before the U.S Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, in a hearing to be held December 1 in DC.  Professor Eggert will testify about the foreclosure crisis.  The hearing is called “Problems in Mortgage Servicing From Modification to Foreclosure Part II.”

NY Times Quotes Professor Eggert

October 14, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in the New York Times online Opinion Pages. The opinion piece, entitled “How Wall Street Hid Its Mortgage Mess,” highlighted Professor Eggert’s testimony to the secrecy that once surrounded mortgage-backed securities.  “Investors were not given sufficient information to make the decisions that they needed to make to see if they

OC Register Quotes Eggert on Elder Abuse

September 24, 2010 by | Faculty

The Orange County Register quoted Professor Kurt Eggert in an article about a Santa Ana judge’s recent ruling on an elder abuse claim. “This is a claim that individuals would have to bring,” Professor Eggert said. “If they want to try to bring a claim for elder abuse it has to be for individual elders

LA Times Article Features Professor Eggert

September 24, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was featured in an LA Times story about predatory lending and the financial crisis. The article highlighted Professor Eggert’s testimony at the final field hearing of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, where he told the panel that the rush to profit from turning subprime mortgages into top-rated Wall Street securities encouraged predatory

Chapman Elder Law Clinic Featured in Article

May 2, 2010 by | Faculty

Chapman’s Elder Law Clinic, directed by Professor Kurt Eggert, was featured in a Daily Journal article entitled “Experience Comes With Age. ”  Helping these people, who really have no other place to turn, is very satisfying” said Chapman Law student Stephen Honda about participating in the clinic. Read the article about the Elder Law Clinic.

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