31 posts tagged

Immigration Law


Professor Lipman Quoted in Article on Immigration

May 19, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Francine Lipman was quoted in an article discussing the myth of “Joe Legal vs. Jose Illegal” and the “demonstrably false” widespread belief that undocumented immigrants cost the United States more than they give. Check out the full article here.

Professor Campbell Featured in Article on Immigration Law

May 18, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Tom Campbell was featured in an article discussing why he won’t sign ‘no tax pledge’ as well as his support of Arizona’s recent immigration law. The “no tax pledge” signed by his Republican opponents is “easy and popular, but it isn’t right,” said Tom Campbell. Read the full article here.

Professor Lipman Quoted in Article on ITIN

March 2, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Francine Lipman was quoted in a Mission Local article discussing the increasing use of Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITIN) by undocumented workers to file their taxes. “Taxpayers who file with an ITIN do not receive social security benefits or the earned income tax credit. But they are eligible for the child tax credit, said

Chapman Law Review Symposium Gets Kudos

January 2, 2010 by | General News

The 2010 Chapman Law Review symposium “Drug War Madness: Policies, Borders, and Corruption” received well-deserved kudos from the ImmigrationProf Blog. “The conference brought together an impressive group of speakers with a variety of diverse insights on drugs, borders, and national security,” said Kevin Johnson, the Dean of U.C. Davis’s School of Law and blog author.

Dean Eastman Quoted on Illegal Aliens

June 11, 2008 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman was quoted in an article in ABA Journal: Law News Now, entitled “Illegal Aliens on I.C.E. – Tougher immigration enforcement tactics spur challenges,” which addressed a number of issues in immigration law, including racial profiling.  In the article, Dean Eastman stated: “Should the Supreme Court revisit racial profiling in immigration, it’s possible

Professor Lipman Presented Paper on Taxation

April 21, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Francine Lipman presented her paper “Taxation and Undocumented Immigrants: Separate, Unequal and Without Representation” on May 8, 2008 at “Undocumented Hispanic Immigrants in the United States: Problems, Benefits and Prospects,” a one-day conference at the University of North Texas to provide objective research about undocumented immigration. Learn more…

NeXus Journal Holds Panel on Immigration

February 20, 2008 by | General News

On February 20, the NeXus editorial board, under the faculty supervision of Professor Hugh Hewitt, held a panel on immigration, which brought to campus several prominent scholars, including Bill Piatt, former Dean of St. Mary’s University Law School, and University of Florida Law Professor Robert Moffat.  Our own Professor Marisa Cianciarulo rounded out the panel

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