40 posts tagged



Wall Street Journal Publishes Professor Hall

October 5, 2011 by | Faculty

The Wall Street Journal published Professor John Hall’s opinion piece entitled, “A U.N. Fiasco in Cambodia.” In the article, Professor Hall critically examined the U.N. backed Khmer Rouge Tribunal in Phnom Penh. Addressing compromised local judges and bungling international staff, Professor Hall wrote, “Cambodians scarred by the Khmer Rouge atrocities deserve credible justice.” Read Professor

Professor Howe Publishes Article on Death Sentences

August 2, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Scott Howe’s article, “Can California Save its Death Sentences? Will Californians Save the Expense?” will be published in Vol. 33 of the Cardozo Law Review in 2012. This Article addresses the future of California’s death penalty, asking whether Californians will soon take steps to avoid the expense of trying to save all of the

ABA Journal Publishes Student’s Article

August 1, 2011 by | Student Life

Congratulations to Chapman Tax Law Certificate graduate, Erica Brady, who’s article, “Opinion Point: Are Criminal Fines “Collected Proceeds”?” was published in the ABA Journal this summer. Read about Erica’s article.

Chapman Student’s Comment Published in Veterans Law Review

July 5, 2011 by | Faculty

Veterans Law Review has accepted Chapman 3L Allison Lin’s Comment entitled, “WARNING: Enlisting in the Military May be Hazardous to Your Health: An Examination of Appropriate Solutions for Veterans Poisoned by Contaminated Water at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune.” Read Allison’s Comment when it is published in January 2012.

Professor Kochan’s Work Named Article of the Month

June 27, 2011 by | Faculty

The Institute for Law Teaching and Learning selected Professor Donald J. Kochan’s latest work for Article of the Month. Professor Kochan’s article, entitled “‘Learning’ Research and Legal Education: A Brief Overview and Selected Bibliographical Survey,” was recently published in the 40th edition of the Southwestern Law Review. “At its core, education is about learning,” Professor

Professor Rotunda Publishes Article on Citizens United

June 25, 2011 by | Faculty

The University of Arkansas Law Review has just published Professor Ronald Rotunda’s recent article on Judicial Ethics.  In his article, “Constitutionalizing Judicial Ethics: Judicial Elections after Republican Party v. White, Caperton, and Citizens United,” Professor Rotunda present some interesting empirical studies on judicial elections and campaign financing. Read his article here.

Professor Badrinarayana Publishes Article on Nuclear Energy

June 22, 2011 by | Faculty

The UCLA Journal of Environmental Law & Policy recently published Professor Deepa Badrinarayana’s latest article, “Environmental challenges of climate-nuclear fusion: a case study of India.” Professor Badrinarayana’s article follows the controversial history of nuclear energy as well as India’s engagement in nuclear energy agreements. Read the full article here.

Professor Rosenthal Publishes Article on Teaching Law

May 16, 2011 by | Faculty

Professor Rosenthal has published his latest article, entitled “Those Who Can’t, Teach: What the Legal Career of John Yoo Tells Us about Who Should Be Teaching Law,” in the Mississippi Law Journal as part of symposium about search and seizure and counterterrorism in the Mississippi Law Journal containing a wide variety of articles by nationally

Professor Kochan Publishes Article on Term Conclusory

April 29, 2011 by | Faculty

Pitt Law Review will publish Professor Donald Kochan’s latest article, “While Effusive, ‘Conclusory’ is Still Quite Elusive: The Story of a Word, Iqbal, and a Perplexing Lexical Inquiry of Supreme Importance.”  Looking to civil procedure for guidance, Professor Kochan’s article defines the difficult to pin down legal term “conclusory,” which has taken center stage in

Wall Street Journal Publishes Professor Kochan’s Op-Ed

February 17, 2011 by | Faculty

On February 17, the Wall Street Journal published Professor Donald Kochan’s op-ed titled “Reading Adam Smith in Arabic,” discussing issues of translations, foreign policy, soft power, and the Arabic Book Program. Professor Kochan’s op-ed is drawn from his previously published research in this area in the 2008 West Virginia Law Review titled “The Soft Power

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