48 posts tagged

real estate


LA Times Quotes Professor Eggert

April 21, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in a story in the Los Angeles Times entitled “Lenders derail plan to let bankruptcy judges modify mortgages.”  Although some lenders have offered to work out voluntary modifications with strapped borrowers, subject to strict conditions, “there are a lot of structural barriers to loan modifications, and a voluntary system doesn’t

Professor Eggert Appeared in Front of CA Assembly

April 14, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert appeared in front of the California Assembly Committee on Banking and Finance to discuss two separate bills, AB 2740 (Brownley), which would provide new regulation for mortgage servicers, and AB 2359 (Jones), which would provide assignee liability in some instances of subprime, high priced, or non-traditional loans.

Dean Canova Quoted on Land Bank Proposal

April 6, 2008 by | Faculty

Dean Timothy Canova was quoted in a column by Dean Calbreath in the San Diego Union Tribune entitled, “Land bank proposal deserves more funds.” Read story… Excerpts from the piece include: “I hate to say it, but this proposal seems more like public relations than an actual attempt at a solution,” said Timothy A. Canova,

OC Register and Others Feature Professor Eggert

April 4, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was invited to speak at the 7th Annual Alberta Conference on Gambling Research held at Banff, Canada, co-sponsored by the Alberta Gaming Research Institute and the University of Alberta.  Profofessor Eggert gave a presentation entitled: Improving Consumer Protection in the Gambling Industry. Professor Kurt Eggert also had a sound-bite in a story

Professor Eggert Quoted in Several Papers

March 29, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in the Orange County Register in a piece entitled “Ameriquest founder was subprime ‘godfather.’” Professor Eggert stated, “The emphasis was on quantity rather than quality and that’s what brought us where we are now.” Read article… Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in MarketWatch from Dow Jones, in a piece entitled

Dean Canova Quoted on Senate Bills

March 14, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Timothy Canova was quoted in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution in a piece entitled “Shelter from the storm: No bailout, two modest Senate bills offer help to Georgia homeowners facing foreclosure.” Read article… Quotes from this story included: “Foreclosure is like a disease that undermines housing prices, consumer spending, construction jobs, the strength of the

Dean Canova Comments on Federal Reserve

March 4, 2008 by | Faculty

Associate Dean Tim Canova commented on Federal Reserve.  Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke in the article “Hedging Ben” at Forbes.com. Read article… Quotes from this story included: Timothy Canova, an associate dean and economic law professor at Chapman University in California, says Bernanke’s remarks might indicate a level of “frustration” with the administration’s policies. “On

OC Register Quotes Professor Eggert

January 3, 2008 by | Faculty

Professor Kurt Eggert was quoted in the December 30, 2007 edition of the Orange County Register, “How subprime lending all started in O.C.” (Read article…) Professor Eggert was also quoted in the December 30, 2007 edition of the Kansas City Star, “American dreams built on a shaky foundation of subprime loans.” (Read article…)

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