41 posts tagged



Professor Rosenthal Files Brief in Supreme Court

January 6, 2010 by | Faculty

Professor Rosenthal filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the U.S. Conference of Mayors in McDonald v. City of Chicago, a case in which the Court will decide whether the Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms applies to state and local governments. The brief argues that the

Professor Rosenthal Quoted in Article About Securities Fraud

December 15, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman University School of Law Professor Lawrence Rosenthal was quoted in an article about the securities fraud case against chip-maker Broadcom Corp.  Professor Rosenthal said, “It seems certain that prosecutors will face at least an internal investigation…The very worst case scenario for the prosecutor is he could face witness tampering or obstruction of justice charges,

LA Times Quotes Professor Rosenthal

October 17, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman University School of Law Professor Lawrence Rosenthal was quoted in an article in the Los Angeles Times entitled, “California gives the poor a new legal right,” relating to the recent law in California that covers the cost of attorneys for poor litigants who are facing eviction, child custody disputes, domestic abuse cases, and/ or

Professor Rosenthal Filed Brief in Supreme Court

July 20, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Lawrence Rosenthal, working with the State and Local Legal Center in Washington, D.C., filed a brief in the United States Supreme Court on behalf of the National Association of Counties, the National League of Cities, the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the International City/County Management Association, and the International Municipal Law Association in the case

Professor Rosenthal Published Op-Ed on CIA Tactics

May 2, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Lawrence Rosenthal published an op-ed in the Sacramento Bee entitled, “World awaits public probe of CIA tactics.”  The piece discusses the use of torture tactics on terrorism suspects, the legal reasoning that justified them, and the unsatisfactory nature of the investigation to date.  Rosenthal writes, “It is said that ours is a government of

LA Times Article Features Chapman Professors

April 22, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman professors were featured in an article in the Los Angeles Times entitled, “Different approaches for two men at center of ‘torture memo’ controversy.”  The article discusses a recent debate between Visiting Chapman Law Professors John Yoo and Dean John Eastman against Professors Katherine Darmer and Lawrence Rosenthal regarding the coercive interrogation tactics that were

LA Times Publishes Chapman Op-Eds

April 9, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman and Professor Larry Rosenthal each published point-counterpoint op-eds in Los Angeles Times regarding John Yoo’s visiting appointment at Chapman and the legal opinions he authored in 2002 and 2003 while serving in the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice as well as the general question, “Does John Yoo Belong in Front

Professor Rosenthal Filed Brief on Second Amendment

April 4, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Rosenthal filed a brief in the United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit on behalf of the U.S. Conference of Mayors in McDonald v. City of Chicago, an appeal presenting the question whether the right to bear arms found in the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution applies to state and

Professor Rosenthal Quoted in Article on Academic Freedom

February 25, 2009 by | Faculty

Professor Larry Rosenthal was quoted in the Chronicle of Higher Education, in an article entitled “Professors’ Freedoms Under Assault in the Courts.” The article discusses several recent court decisions that have raised doubts about the status of academic freedom at public colleges and universities. Professor Rosenthal states, “most academics are extremely protective of virtually unfettered

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