12 posts tagged



LA Times Article Features Chapman Professors

April 22, 2009 by | Faculty

Chapman professors were featured in an article in the Los Angeles Times entitled, “Different approaches for two men at center of ‘torture memo’ controversy.”  The article discusses a recent debate between Visiting Chapman Law Professors John Yoo and Dean John Eastman against Professors Katherine Darmer and Lawrence Rosenthal regarding the coercive interrogation tactics that were

OC Register Features Professor Yoo

April 21, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor John Yoo was featured in an article in the Orange County Register, entitled “Bush lawyer defends waterboarding in local debate.”  The article discusses a recent debate between Chapman Law professors John Yoo, Katherine Darmer, Lawrence Rosenthal and Dean John Eastman regarding the coercive interrogation tactics that were used in the wake of 9/11. 

LA Times Publishes Chapman Op-Eds

April 9, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman and Professor Larry Rosenthal each published point-counterpoint op-eds in Los Angeles Times regarding John Yoo’s visiting appointment at Chapman and the legal opinions he authored in 2002 and 2003 while serving in the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice as well as the general question, “Does John Yoo Belong in Front

Professor Yoo Publishes Op-Ed

March 15, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor John Yoo published an op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer, entitled “Closing Arguments: Security vs. freedom: A balance kept.” The article addresses the controversy surrounding the recent release of legal memoranda written in the aftermath of September 11, 2001. Professor Yoo argues that lawyers working for the Bush administration were successful in their goal

NY Times Quotes Dean Eastman

March 8, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman was quoted in an article in the New York Times featuring John Yoo entitled, “Terror-War Fallout Lingers Over Bush Lawyers.” The article discusses legal briefs written by professor Yoo during his tenure with the Bush administration and raises questions as to what responsibility government lawyers should have if their legal advice is

Professor Yoo Featured in Article

March 7, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor John Yoo was featured in an article in the San Francisco Chronicle entitled, “Obama lawyers argue to drop Yoo torture suit.” The article stated that President Obama’s Justice Department defended Professor Yoo, a former Bush administration lawyer, in a San Francisco federal court, arguing that a prisoner formerly held as an enemy combatant

Newsweek Mentions Chapman Professor

March 7, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor John Yoo was mentioned in an article in Newsweek, entitled“You Can’t Go Home Again.”  The article describes Orange County as the birthplace of the modern conservative movement. It states that in his time at UC-Berkeley Professor Yoo “clashed with ‘hippies, protesters and left-wing activists.’” Yoo states that Orange County is different and that

OC Register Features Professor Yoo

March 3, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor John Yoo was featured in an article in the Orange County Register,  entitled “Ex-Bush lawyer talks about torture memos.” In this interview Professor Yoo answers questions regarding everything from his work for the Bush administration to his impressions of Orange County. Read Article …

Professor Yoo Published Op-Ed

March 1, 2009 by | Faculty

Visiting Professor John Yoo published an op-ed in the Philadelphia Inquirer entitled, “A missed opportunity to put skills above race.” The article discusses the Obama Administration’s support of the city of New Haven in the Ricci v. DeStefano case. Yoo writes, “President Obama and his chief law enforcement officer have missed an opportunity to live

LA Times Quotes Dean Eastman

February 11, 2009 by | Faculty

Dean John Eastman was quoted in the Los Angeles Times in an article about visiting Professor John Yoo entitled “Bush policymaker escapes Berkeley’s wrath.” In the piece, Dean Eastman stated: “We are working very hard at fostering a broad ideological diversity here at the law school.” Another of Chapman law school’s visiting professors this school

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