The first week of April marked Graduate and Professional Student Appreciation Week at Chapman University. Here at the Leatherby Libraries, we celebrated our graduate and professional students in style, all week long! Beginning Monday morning, our Reference desk was all dressed up, giving out cookies and library gifts in honor of grad students. And right in front of the elevators, in our roving display case, was a lovely display of books from our collection about graduate and professional students and studies.

On Monday, librarian Julie Artman held a workshop on mindfulness meditation, extremely helpful for those students swamped by work and studies. On Tuesday, students got an extra sweet treat – an ice cream social in the lobby, served by Dean Charlene Baldwin! On Wednesday, students at the Rinker Health Sciences campus in Irvine got their own ice cream social, hosted by Health Sciences librarian Ivan Portillo (pictured in the cover image).

A woman and man stand on the left side of the photo, behind a table with water and ice cream on it. On the right, a long line of students get their ice cream.

Dean Charlene Baldwin hands out ice cream to happy, well-deserving students.

Please join us, one more time, in sending out a hearty “We celebrate, appreciate, and support you!” to the graduate and professional students of Chapman University.