Thanks to the Sikhlens Foundation, the Leatherby Libraries is proud to host the photography exhibition, Lost Heritage: The Sikh Legacy in Pakistan – A Glimpse of Guru Nanak’s Travels, by Amardeep Singh. The exhibit is currently on view until January 15, 2020 in the Doy and Dee Henley Reading Room on the second floor of the Leatherby Libraries.

Guests with their backs turned to the camera stand next to photos displayed on the wall to the right of the frame

Guests explore the new exhibit at the opening reception in November


Photographer and historian Amardeep Singh took two journeys to Pakistan, one in 2014, and a second in 2017, with the intention of documenting the history of the Sikh faith in Pakistan. The images in the exhibit, which come from his two books, LOST HERITAGE: The Sikh Legacy in Pakistan, and THE QUEST CONTINUES: LOST HERITAGE: The Sikh Legacy in Pakistan, preserve important cultural memories.

A man in a turban stands behind a lectern in front of photos

Photographer and historian Amardeep Singh speaks to an audience at the exhibit opening reception.

At the opening reception for the exhibit on Thursday, November 21, 2019, visitors heard Amardeep Singh speak about his experiences on his travels, and the importance of cultural heritage and preservation. Pavneet Mac then briefly introduced the other artists featured in this year’s Arts Festival, and Sikhlens Director Bicky Singh presented Dean of the Leatherby Libraries Charlene Baldwin with the 2020 Sikhlens calendar, which features Amardeep Singh’s photography. Pakistani Consul General Consul General Mr. Abdul Jabbar Memon was in attendance, and also spoke briefly. A recording of this event is available on our Facebook page. This year’s exhibit and opening reception marks the seventh collaboration between Sikhlens and the Leatherby Libraries!

A woman stands next to a lectern while a man in a turban behind the lectern presents her with a calendar

Sikhlens Director Bicky Singh presenting Dean of the Leatherby Libraries Charlene Baldwin with the 2020 Sikhlens calendar

The opening reception of this exhibition launched this year’s Sikh Arts & Film Festival (November 22-24, 2019). Sikhlens, The World’s Premier Sikh Film Festival “seeks to provide an outlet for sharing Sikh heritage and culture with the rest of the world by creating awareness for work that is “Sikh-centric,” showcasing our talent, and instilling pride in our community. Sikhlens seeks work from artists in a variety of fields, including but not limited to movies, books, music, and art. It creates appropriate avenues for this work to be shared with the rest of the world with the aim of getting more exposure for the presenters; and at the same time creating awareness about Sikhs.”

Did you know that the Leatherby Libraries has a Sikhs and Sikhism in America Group Study Room? In this study room, students can study and conduct their research, while learning about the Sikh community’s culture, religion, artistry and long tradition of serving in the U.S. military. This room is located in room 208 on the 2nd floor of the Leatherby Libraries in the Attallah Library of Arts & Humanities and Fine Arts Collection. This room is available for booking on the Leatherby Libraries website, for all Chapman Students, Faculty, Staff, and Alumni.