Research data management has emerged as a need among academic researchers, and liaison librarians are building skills in response. This fall, the Leatherby Libraries will be hosting a workshop – funded through the SCELC Project Initiatives Fund (SPIF)- from the ACRL’s Virtual Roadshow series, “Building Your Research Data Management Toolkit: Integrating RDM into Your Liaison Work.”

Event Summary

On November 7-8 from 9a-1p PST, Chapman University will host Building Your Research Data Management Toolkit, an ACRL Off-RoadShow Virtual Workshop.

Attendance is FREE.

The workshop will be held in Zoom, and registrants will receive a link.

Event Full Description

This online workshop in research data management (RDM) will assist liaison librarians in identifying their existing skills and mindsets that transfer to RDM services and then create a learning plan for the RDM-specific knowledge needed to serve their subject disciplines. Christina Chan-Park, Science Librarian at Baylor University, and Laura Palumbo, Chemistry & Physics Librarian and Science Data Specialist at Rutgers University Libraries, are the presenters for this workshop.

This workshop is supported by a SCELC Project Initiatives Fund (SPIF) award.


This online workshop is an introductory level experience intended for liaisons seeking to engage with research data management for the first time or who have a very basic knowledge of research data management. Attendees are not expected to have previous experience with research data management. In addition to subject liaison librarians, senior library administrators, middle management and department heads, and technical services librarians and staff will benefit from the workshop. Other campus partners such as the Office of Research, Sponsored Programs, Technology Transfer, IRB, or campus IT may also be interested.

Learning Outcomes

After attending this online workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Identify data within the research process and lifecycle to articulate the libraries’ role in managing data to researchers.
  • Begin building a toolkit of research data management skills by articulating specific existing skills.
  • Learn how to develop expertise in the nuances of disciplinary requirements for data management.
  • Articulate the parts of a data management plan in order to describe its role as a living document within a research project.
  • Identify campus partners in research data management to create an ecosystem of research data management support for their faculty.
  • Plan their next steps for engaging in research data management at their institution.

Workshop Schedule

Day 1 (Mon, 11/7/22)

9:00-9:15am:    Welcome and Introduction
9:15-10:00am:  Situating Libraries in Data
10:00-10:15am: Break
10:15-11:30am: Applying Liaison Skills to RDM
11:30-11:45am: Break
11:45- 1:00pm:  Learning to Serve Your Discipline’s Data Needs

Day 2 (Tue, 11/8/22)

 9:00-9:15am:   Review of Day 1
 9:15-10:45pm: Planning for Data Management
10:45-11:00pm: Break
11:00-12:15pm: Developing Campus Partners and Collaborations
12:15-12:30pm: Break
12:30- 1:00pm:  Summary and Next Steps

Click here to register for the workshop.

Research & Data Services Committee at the Leatherby Libraries

The library’s Research & Data Services Committee is comprised of Assistant Dean Dr. Doug Dechow, Taylor Greene, Andrew Greenman, Kristin Laughtin-Dunker, Ivan Portillo, & Dr. Shalini Ramachandran.

Members of the group provide interdisciplinary support and guidance throughout the research cycle to the university’s research community. The emphasis is on providing research and data services through workshops and seminars, individual consultations, and information and data resources focusing on data analysis, data visualization, and data management planning.

Please contact Dr. Doug Dechow for more information about this opportunity.
Douglas R. Dechow, MSLIS, PhD
Phone: 714-532-7784