137 posts categorized in



New E-books Available for Summer Reading

July 20, 2021 by | Resources

It’s hard to believe it, but the 2021 Virtual Community of Readers is halfway over! Cheryl Baltes from the School of Education won a devilishly hard-looking puzzle featuring famous first lines of literature at our first meeting on July 1st, and the winner of the raffle at our July 29th meeting will take home a

Archives, Rockets, and Leadership Lessons: Leatherby Libraries’ First Virtual Event Researching a Disaster Through the Making of "Challenger: The Final Flight"

April 27, 2021 by | News

On Wednesday, April 7th, the Leatherby Libraries held its first virtual event, “Researching a Disaster Through the Making of Challenger: The Final Flight.” Two of the producers (an archival producer and a post-production producer) of the recent Netflix documentary series, along with a Mission Operations Engineer from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Chapman University Leadership Professor

Researching a Disaster Through the Making of Challenger: The Final Flight Mark your calendar for the Leatherby Libraries' first virtual event on April 7th

March 9, 2021 by | Events

Join librarians Doug Dechow, Ph.D., and Annie Tang, MLIS, as they moderate a discussion with a panel of researchers about the legacy of the 1986 space shuttle Challenger disaster and the behind-the-scenes research process involved in the production of the Netflix documentary series Challenger: The Final Flight. Researchers from the film project will share their

Homecoming 2020 and the Leatherby Libraries

September 16, 2020 by | Resources

Like so much else this year, Chapman University Homecoming 2020 will look very different from its previous iterations. Instead of a short weekend of in-person activities, there’s an entire week of virtual activities planned, from October 5th through October 10th, meaning that Homecoming is coming home to each of you. Likewise, the Leatherby Libraries will

Show Us Your Art!

March 11, 2020 by | Exhibits and Displays

Show off your talents at the Leatherby Libraries! It’s time for the 7th Annual Staff Art Exhibition. The deadline to submit your applications is Friday, April 17, 2020, so, get out your art supplies and cameras. We welcome both two- and three-dimensional artworks, such as paintings, drawings, photography, sculpture, mixed media, and crafts. Installation will take place

Leatherby Libraries Celebrates International Women’s Day Librarian Shahrzad Khosrowpour shares her thoughts as a member of the Advisory Group on the Status of Women

March 10, 2020 by | Events

This past Sunday, March 8th, was International Women’s Day, a part of Women’s History Month. A number of events in celebration of the day took place on campus the week before, including the International Women’s Day Resource Fair, held on Thursday the 5th, in which the Leatherby Libraries was a proud participant. Librarian Shahrzad Khosrowpour,

Documenting History Through Art: The Work of David Labkovski (1906-1991) New exhibit in partnership with the Holocaust Art & Writing Contest

March 9, 2020 by | Exhibits and Displays

So far this academic year, we’ve seen some fabulous exhibits on the walls of the Leatherby Libraries Hall of Art on the first floor, behind the Reference Desk, celebrating Chapman’s history through blueprints and honoring award-winning authors with creative book covers. The Hall of Art now has another excellent exhibit up, one that showcases the

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