60 posts tagged



Campus Pride Month at the Leatherby Libraries

April 15, 2015 by | Exhibits and Displays

April is Campus Pride Month, and here at the Leatherby Libraries we are showing our pride! National Pride Month takes place in June, but since most colleges and universities are done for the school year by June, April was selected specifically for Campus Pride Month. The goal of Campus Pride Month is to show support

Take a Closer Look at Miniature Books

March 30, 2015 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries’ newest display, recently installed on the first floor, highlights a little-known niche of literature and art: miniature books. The display consists of books from the personal collections of Christine Cross and Margaret Class. The latter is the creator of annual John and Margaret Class Student Book Collection Contest; it’s clear that her

The Intersection of Art and Feminism

March 13, 2015 by | Exhibits and Displays

Here on the Chapman campus, we are lucky enough to be surrounded by art in many forms. We have collections of art and memorabilia scattered throughout the library in addition to sculptures and statues and fountains throughout the campus. The Chapman University philosophy believes that art inspires us to be greater thinkers and students. The

An Illuminating Look at Legumes

February 12, 2015 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries and Schmid College of Science and Technology present ”An Illuminating Look at Legumes,” an exhibit of botanical art by the Botanical Artists Guild of Southern California. The exhibit begins on February 19, 2015, and will continue throughout the month of March. For the past several years, botanical artists from around Southern California

Buddhist Display Celebrates Wallace All Faiths Chapel Event

November 12, 2014 by | Exhibits and Displays

This past Monday, the Wallace All Faiths Chapel hosted a lecture by the Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi. Director of The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, he also serves as the Buddhist Chaplain at MIT. The event was titled “Transforming the Inner and the Outer: Conversations on Sustainable

Halloween Has Arrived At The Leatherby Libraries!

October 16, 2014 by | Exhibits and Displays

Though Southern California is just now getting the weather memo, the time of year has returned where both sugar-high trick-or-treaters and pumpkin spice lattes run wild along sidewalks. Which of course means its Halloween time! The Leatherby Libraries is celebrating the holiday with a new display created by our very own Kerry Ortloff, Brandman Library

Explore Texts and Treasures at the Leatherby Libraries this Homecoming Weekend

September 30, 2014 by | Exhibits and Displays

This year’s Chapman Family Homecoming Celebration promises to be an action-packed weekend, full of activities that help connect the entire Chapman community—and the Leatherby Libraries are no exception to that rule. The library is hosting several educational and entertaining events this year. Whatever your place in the Chapman Family—students, alumni, friends or community members—we encourage you

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