CUSP Graduation Award attenddes

On May 16th, CUSP celebrated the 2019 graduating class at the second annual Graduation Awards Banquet at the Newport Beach Country Club.  During the evening, awards from faculty were given, as well as student-nominated awards and corporate awards.  Sarah Paik received the Mylan Excellence in Pharmacy Award, recognizing her as a student who demonstrated excellence in the provision of drug information services.  Priya Patel received the US Public Health Service Award for making a significant contribution to public wellness and healthy communities.  The class valedictorian, Alexandra Corcoran, had the opportunity to address the class and celebrate their accomplishments. Keynote speaker, Dr. Catherine Turkel shared her experience with giving back by investing in pharmacy students that came after her and encouraged attendees to embody a life of giving as well. The evening culminated with a welcome into the Chapman Alumni Association and a slide show with photos from the students’ time in pharmacy school. A special thank you to our sponsors, Jim Mazzo, Ralphs Pharmacy, Dr. Catherine & Mark Turkel, and Tabula Rasa. Also, thank you to the Class of 2019 Pharm.D. planning committee, the Office of Student Affairs, and the Student Affairs Committee in helping to make the event a success. Congratulations to the Class of 2019 graduates!