Drs. Ashraf Mohieldin and Surya Nauli

A recent work by Dr. Ashraf Mohieldin and other investigators at Dr. Surya Nauli’s laboratory from Chapman University School of Pharmacy was recently published in Advanced Science (2020:1903140; https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.201903140) (Impact Factor 15.2) and was featured on the front cover of the issue.

Primary cilia (PC) are ubiquitous mechanosensory organelles that protrude from the apical surface of almost all human cells. The PC also serve as cellular compartments for signaling pathways, and their defect has been associated with a wide range of human genetic diseases called ciliopathies. Recently, PC is shown to have membrane swelling, also known as ciliary bulbs. However, their structures and physiological relevance remain unknown. Our results indicated that a ciliary bulb has extracellular vesicle (EV)‐like characteristics. The ciliary extracellular like vesicle (cELV) has a unique dynamic movement and can be released by mechanical fluid force. Proteomic identification of the cELV reveals for the first time its physiological roles in zebrafish and mouse models. In addition to the extracardiac phenotypes, the cELV is required for cardiovascular functions.

This work is another indication that researchers at Chapman University School of Pharmacy are conducting cutting-edge research recognized by the scientific community as published in highly reputable journals.