Dr. Grabenstein Receives Honorary Degree from CUSP

John Grabenstein, Ph.D. received an honorary degree from Chapman University during the Closing Convocation ceremony on May 17, 2019.  Dr. Grabenstein is the Global Director of Medical Affairs for Merck Vaccines.  He leads scientific-policy activities for a global enterprise distributing over 180 million doses of 13 vaccines annually to help reduce the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases.   As a pharmacist, he has experience in over 50 counties, served on multiple committees advising three departments of the US Government, and has published over 300 articles and 11 books.  Ross and Matt Duffer (’07) from Stranger Things provided the keynote address encouraging graduates to follow their hearts and reminding them that the road to success often isn’t linear.  The evening celebration concluded with bursts of confetti spraying into the air and a champagne toast with University President Struppa.