Update on Partial Government Shutdown and Impacts on Research Grants
January 8, 2019
Dear Campus Colleagues
At midnight, December 21, 2018, current year funding to approximately twelve federal government agencies expired. Following is guidance during the partial shutdown.
In general, the following will be true for agencies in shutdown. Please contact Sponsored Projects Services (SPS) for specific questions about your proposal and/or award.
- For existing awards, work can continue if obligated funds are available and the work does not require support of federal employees or facilities.
- Additional funds, including continuation/supplement and new awards, will not be awarded during the shutdown.
- New Federal funding opportunities may not be posted during the shutdown.
- Applications can be submitted, but deadlines may be affected. Check with your sponsor. Systems for proposal submission will be available, but proposals will not be reviewed. If the systems experience technical issues, they may not be resolved.
- Progress/Technical reports must be submitted on time.
- Financial reports must be submitted on time.
The following federal agencies are covered/funded by an appropriations bill so their grants and agreements should NOT be affected.
- Department of Defense
- Department of Energy
- Department of Education
- Veterans Administration
- Department of Labor
- Health and Human Services (includes the National Institutes of Health)
The following federal agencies are NOT covered by an appropriations bill and are in either partial or full shutdown.
- Department of Agriculture; REE: ARS/ERS/NIFA
- NASA, December Guidance
- National Science Foundation
- Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Justice
- Housing and Urban Development
- Department of Interior
- Department of State
- Department of Transportation
- Department of Treasury
- Department of Commerce
- National Endowment for the Humanities
Guidance and FAQ’s issued by federal sponsors subject to the partial federal government shutdown can be found at the Office of Management and Budget Contingency Plans.
The longer the shutdown lasts, the more it will affect peer review of pending applications and the awarding of new, supplemental, and continuation funding, as well as payment on existing awards. If you have any questions, please contact Jill Borland, Director of Sponsored Projects Services (jborland@chapman.edu, 714-628-7383).