Kay Graduate Research Scholars
April 8, 2019

Chapman flag with slogan anything imaginable.
Through the support of the Kay Family Foundation, the Office of Research is proud to announce the funding for Kay Graduate Research Scholars.
Kay Graduate Research Scholars may pursue research activities associated with any facet of data analytics/sciences. Examples of relevant research projects include, but are not limited to:
- The use of medium or large structured or unstructured data sets for developing new knowledge/understanding of a particular area of inquiry or application.
- The use of descriptive, diagnostic, predictive or prescriptive analytical models for developing new knowledge/understanding of a particular area of inquiry or application.
Funding (9 – 12 month)
- $25,000 stipend depending on program
- Up to $5000 will be made available for materials, supplies, travel, and other items to support the research activities
- Kay Graduate Research Scholar Program will cover the tuition balance not covered by other scholarships, up to $14,000 per year maximum
- Kay Graduate Research Scholars are appointed on an annual basis. The positions are renewable for one additional year depending on availability of funds and satisfactory progress.
- Applicants must be admitted full time Chapman PhD student and passed their Qualifying Exams by May 17th as part of the PhD program OR a full time Masters student conducting research in one of the areas noted above.
- Receipts are expected to be conducting their studies/research “in residence” at Chapman under the guidance of a Chapman faculty member
Application Format
The application should include the following:
- Cover page (1 page)
- Title of Research Proposal
- Student Name
- Graduate Degree Program at Chapman and current status
- Degree(s) and Name(s) of Institutions
- Main Proposal (3 pages maximum)
- Background and Significance (0.5-1.0 pages): Explain the importance of the research problem, the state of existing knowledge, rationale for the proposed research, gaps the project is intended to fill, and potential contributions to the field.
- Approach (1-2 pages): Describe the proposed project (overview of design, data collection, and data analyses). Include a project timeline.
- Personal Statement (0.5 – 1.0 page): How will this funding contribute to advancing in your graduate studies and career goals? What makes you a highly qualified candidate?
- Letters of Recommendations (3)
- Please include in your submission application, three (3) letters of recommendations from faculty that know of your background and potential for conducting independent research in this area.
- Format
- The main proposal should include all text, figures and tables (references not necessary).
- Use Arial 11 pt font, .5 inch margins
- Compiled as a singled PDF
Application Package (see format above)
- Application must be submitted through the web portal and include applicant’s proposed research project and three letters of recommendations. All documents are to be loaded as single PDF
Deadline and Selection Process
- Application packages must be received by May 20, 2019 (5PM).
- A Kay Graduate Research Scholars Selection Committee will review application packages and select recipients.
Evaluation of Proposals
Proposal evaluation criteria are:
- The overall quality of the proposal – hypotheses, methodology, source(s) of data, etc.
- How closely the project addresses the program objectives.
- The likelihood that the project will be completed in the timeline provided.
Additional Information
Dr. Thomas Piechota, Vice President for Research
(702) 628-2897 piechota@chapman.edu