For the fourth year in a row, the Kay Family Foundation Data Analytics program has granted Chapman University faculty awards. Like previous years, faculty were asked to submit proposals that were data intensive in nature and that used model-based or data analytic approaches for developing new knowledge, as well as proposals that created the possibility for new partnerships and external funding. The process was competitive with 19 proposals requesting a total of $1.6 million in funding.

Applications were reviewed by a diverse faculty committee selected from various disciplines across campus including the sciences, health and behavioral sciences, and business. Upon reviewing the applications, the committee made recommendations for funding to the Vice President of Research, the Provost, and the Deans of Schmid College of Science and Technology and Argyros School of Business and Economics. Ultimately five projects were selected representing six colleges/schools across campus and were funded at a total of $471,082.

Chapman University is grateful for the continued support our faculty received from the Kay Family Foundation. Please join me in congratulating the research teams in their accomplishment.

$100,000       Machine Learning Platform for Drug Design of Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors: Integrating Chemistry, Biology, and Data Science for Discovery of Anti-Cancer Therapeutic Agents

(PI) Gennady Verkhivker, Ph.D., Schmid College of Science & Technology

(PI) Keykavous Parang, Ph.D., School of Pharmacy

(Co-PI) Maduka Ogba, Ph.D., Schmid College of Science and Technology

(Co-PI) Rakesh Tiwari, Ph.D., School of Pharmacy.


$96,082         Using Labor Market Data to Develop Career Interventions and Opportunities for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

(PI) Amy Jane Griffiths, Ph.D., Attallah College of Educational Studies

(PI) Wallace Walrod, Ph.D., Chief Economic Advisor Orange County Business Council

(PI) Amy Hurley-Hanson, Ph.D., Argyros School of Business and Economics

(PI) Cristina M. Giannantonio, Ph.D., Argyros School of Business and Economics.


$75,000         A Deep Learning Approach to Creating Accessibility-Friendly Representations of Music and Art for the Hearing and Visually Impaired

(Co-PI) Erik Linstead, Ph.D., Fowler School of Engineering

(Co-PI) Grace Fong, Ph.D., College of Performing Arts

Rao Ali, Graduate Student, CADS

Abigail Atchison, M.S., Software Development Engineer, Microsoft


$100,000       Applying Big Data Analytic Techniques to Understand the Predictors and Prevalence of Body Image Disturbances and Disordered Eating Patterns in National Samples

(PI) David Frederick, Ph.D., Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences

Erik Linstead, Ph.D., Schmid College of Science and Technology

Vincent Berardi, Ph.D., Department of Psychology

Uri Maoz, Ph.D., Department of Psychology and Brain Institute

Natalia Rosenfield, Graduate Student, CADS

Elia Lledo, Graduate Student, CADS

Andy Liang, Graduate Student, CADS

Justin Garcia,, Kinsey Institute, University of Indiana

Tania Reynolds, Ph.D., Kinsey Institute, University of Indiana

Tracy, Tylka, Ph.D., Department of Counseling, Ohio State


$100,000       Analysis of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Heterogeneity Using Biopsies and Clinical Data

(PI) Roosan Moom, PharmD, Ph.D., School of Pharmacy

Andrea Bild, Ph.D. Medical Oncology and Therapeutic Research City of Hope