Leatherby Libraries’ Kevin and Tam Ross Undergraduate Research Prize is open to all undergraduate students at Chapman University. The prize recognizes excellent research and effective use of library resources by Chapman University undergraduate students.

Applicants are asked to write an essay about their selection, evaluation, and use of library resources for work on a research paper or project. Judges are interested not only in the quality of the project, but in how applicants have made use of library resources during the research process. Judges will be looking for originality, depth, or sophistication in the use of library resources and information literacy as demonstrated in the essay and other application materials.

Winners will receive a cash prize and recognition on the Leatherby Libraries blog and Chapman University Digital Commons. The application has been streamlined and made entirely online to make it easier than ever to apply!

The deadline is April 30, 2021.

More details about the prize, including the link to apply and previous years’ winners, can be found here: https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/undergraduateresearchprize/