The Office of Research is pleased to announce the inaugural Chapman Grant Writers’ Bootcamp which is designed to assist faculty in learning about all phases of the grant cycle through a simulation process (proposal to award). This is an initiative that grew out of input from various campus stakeholders to enhance faculty research development. In addition, the Bootcamp was the result of learning from best practices on faculty research development from the Education Advisory Board.


Faculty will respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP), learn about the details of grant preparation at Chapman, participate in the review process, revise their proposal, and receive initial funding (Grant Writers Award) that will be treated as a grant at Chapman. The emphasis is on simulation of the grant process.


Proposals will be due 5:00PM, May 31, 2019. Complete information can be found at the Internal Awards link.


The Grant Writers’ Bootcamp will be held August 15 & 16, 2019 and will include various topics to assist in grant development and review. These include:

  • Finding grant funding opportunities
  • Interacting with program officers
  • Advice from other new and experienced investigators
  • Elements of high-quality proposals
  • Peer Review including mock panel reviews
  • Basics of working with Sponsored Projects and Research Integrity Offices
  • Developing boilerplate materials (e.g. biosketches and resources documents)
  • Advice from outside experts (e.g., program officer, grant writer)
  • Effective Project Management


Upon successful revision of the proposal from the Bootcamp, faculty will receive $5K as the Grant Writers’ Award. The Office of Research staff will act as program officers and have faculty take on the responsibilities of a Principal Investigator and go through all steps of an award process, including compliance, award setup, initial project meeting and project management. Project periods will be up to one year.