For the fifth year in a row, the Kay Family Foundation Data Analytics program has granted Chapman University faculty awards. Like previous years, faculty were asked to submit proposals that were data intensive in nature and that used model-based or data analytic approaches for developing new knowledge, as well as proposals that created the possibility for new partnerships and external funding. The process was competitive with 16 proposals requesting a total of $1.46 million in funding.

Applications were reviewed by a diverse faculty committee selected from various disciplines across campus including the sciences, engineering, health and behavioral sciences, business, and media arts. Upon reviewing the applications, the committee made recommendations for funding to the Vice President of Research, the Provost, and the Dean of the Argyros School of Business and Economics, Dean of Fowler School of Engineering and Associate Dean of Schmid College of Science and Technology. Ultimately five projects were selected representing five colleges/schools across campus and were funded at a total of $482,412.

Chapman University is grateful for the continued support our faculty receive from the Kay Family Foundation. Please join me in congratulating the research teams in their accomplishment!

$100,000 Identifying the Formation and Functionality of Healthy Behavioral Habits Using Longitudinal mHealth Data

(PI) Vincent Berardi, Ph.D., Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences
Chad Stecher, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Marc Adams, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Melbourne Hovell, Ph.D., San Diego State University
Lily Foster, Graduate Student
Calm Scientific Advisory Board

$100,000 Leveraging Big Data from a Population Health Program of Children with Asthma in a Children’s Hospital Setting

(PI) Brooke Jenkins, Ph.D., Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences
Dr. Michael Weiss, MD, Children’s Hospital of Orange County
Dr. Zeev Kain, MD, UCI – Center on Stress and Health

$100,000 Doctors Need Reasons to Trust AI—Explainable AI in Medical Imaging Using an Interdisciplinary, Translational Approach

(PI) Uri Maoz, Ph.D., Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences, Institute for Interdisciplinary Brain and Behavioral Sciences
(Co-PI) Aaron Schurger, Ph.D., Crean College of Health and Behavioral Sciences, Institute for Interdisciplinary Brain and Behavioral Sciences
(Co-PI) Erik Linstead, Ph.D., Fowler School of Engineering
(Co-PI) William Kroyer, Dodge College of Film and Media Arts
Chaitlyn Chavez, Graduate Student
Dehua (Andy) Liang, Graduate Student
Kyongsik Yun, Ph.D., NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Jihoon Oh, MD, Ph.D., Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea

$93,150 Towards Responsive Social Safety Nets: Openly Derived Indicators as Proxies for Subnational Multi-Dimensional Vulnerability in Africa

(PI) Jonathan Hersh, Ph.D., Argyros School of Business & Economics
Kaz Sakamoto, Ph.D., Columbia University

$89,262 Environmental Metabolomics: Understanding the Electron Accepting Capacity of Soil Organic Matter as a Control of Peatland Greenhouse Gas Production

(PI) Jason Keller, Ph.D., Schmid College of Science and Technology
Rachel Wilson, Ph.D., Florida State University