Schmid College of Science will celebrate Earth Week by presenting a major conference, “Energy, Economy and the Environment,” on Thursday, April 21, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Beckman Center, 100 Academy in Irvine.

The conference will feature keynote and panel discussions on alternative energy options and the economics of energy for business and industry.   Moderators and speakers will include Menas Kafatos, Ph.D., dean of Schmid College of Science; Steven R. Bray, CEO of PowerPlus!; Jude Elledge, vice president of strategic accounts for Village Green Global; Matthew Jenusaitis, president and CEO of OCTANe; The Hon. Stephen Johnson, administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; Mike Levin, director of government affairs, FlexEnergy; Panos Meletakos, founding member of Green Greece Project; Peter Polydor, associate with SAIL Ventures; William Sprigg, Ph.D., architect of the U.S. National Climate Program and the National Weather Service’s Climate Prediction Center, currently of the Center of Excellence in Earth Observing at Chapman University; and Graeme Stephens, Ph.D., director of the Center for Climate Sciences at  Jet Propulsion Laboratories.

Attendance is free but by invitation only, but you may contact Schmid College ahead of time to receive an invitation.  Call 714-289-2040 or email