In the above video,
Dr. Anuradha Prakash
, professor and director of
Chapman’s Food Science Program
, explains the safety of irradiating food to the host of
Health Matters.
The Packer
 featured Dr. Prakash’s interview in its article “Irradiation may be future option for exports”. It also cited the food irradiation workshop recently co-sponsored by Chapman University and the USDA, “Opportunities in Phytosanitary Irradiation for Fresh Produce Workshop”.

The 2014 Chapman-USDA
Opportunities in Irradiation as a Phytosanitary Treatment for Fresh Produce Workshop
was held this past March in Orange, California.  The primary goal of the workshop was to increase awareness and understanding of irradiation as a phytosanitary treatment in order to facilitate the use of the technology in US fruit and vegetable export programs.

The information presented and discussion among the audience and presenters allowed for an improved understanding of the opportunities presented by phytosanitary irradiation. The presentations can be accessed at:
This project, funded by a
USDA FAS Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops Grant
, continues to gain momentum in working toward the development of export markets utilizing irradiation for US commodities.

Below are a few pictures from this year’s workshop:


