Click here to see the current lineup of Science on Tap live events.

Schmid College’s “ChapmanU Science on Tap” is a new on-going series for the college and will feature Chapman University faculty exploring the intersection of science and culture. The inaugural event took place at Provisions Market Monday, September 14, 2015 with Lia Halloran, MFA, Assistant Professor of Art at Chapman University. She kicked off the series with a conversation about the connection between science and art.

Halloran’s discussion wasn’t the only item on tap for the event; Provisions Market boasts more than 200 craft beers, as well as wines, cheeses, fresh breads and prepared foods.

Andrew Lyon, Dean of Schmid College and creator of ChapmanU Science on Tap, sat down with us to talk about the series in a Q&A session:

Q: How did you come up with the idea for Science on Tap?

A: Science cafes have for some time now been popular ways of engaging communities in discussions about science.  Whereas I enjoy a cup of coffee with my science, I thought that a good beer might be an even better pairing, so we shift the cafe concept to Science on Tap.

Q: What is Science on Tap?

A: Science on Tap is basically an open, public discussion surrounding a specific subject from the world of science.  The gatherings will typically be small (~30 audience members), thereby allowing a strong connection between the audience and the speaker.

Q: Who will be speaking?

A: Last fall, we have three events planned. Artist Lia Halloran spoke about the intersection of art and science, Erik Linstead discussed big data and how it influences our daily lives, and I spoke about nanoscience myths and realities. This winter, we’re excited to have ‘on tap’ Chapman University President-elect and Chancellor Daniele Struppa, Associate Professor of English Anna Leahy and General Manager of Irvine Ranch Water District Paul Cook.

Q: What are your favorite beers?

A: For everyday drinkability, I enjoy Fat Tire and Stone IPA.  When I want something a bit heavier, I go for a Belgian called Delirium Tremens.  Who wouldn’t love a beer with dancing alligators and pink elephants on the label?

Q: Who can attend?

A: The event is open to anyone over 21.

Q: Why mix beer and science?

A: Science can be pretty serious stuff at times. The work we do as scientists can inform state and federal environmental policy, cure or prevent diseases, create new technologies to improve our ways of life, and so much more. I think that seriousness can sometimes make the subject seem inaccessible to non-scientists – and it just doesn’t have to be that way. By bringing engaging speakers into a relaxed community setting, we hope to make science a little more enticing and interesting to people from all walks of life.

Q: Do you have any goals/aspirations for Science on Tap?

A: I do hope that we get a good early response to the series so that we can gain momentum and make it a lasting tradition. We are also exploring opportunities to share the series via digital media, which would serve to broaden its impact tremendously.

Q: Anything else you’d like to add?

A: I would love to hear from anyone with ideas for the series (potential speakers, topics, etc.) – we are always looking for ways to improve what we do!

The events are free to attend, and the first 10 attendees over 21 years old receive their first beer for free.

Provisions Market is located at:
143 North Glassel St.
Orange, CA 92866

On Tap 9/14/15 @ 6:00 p.m.
Intersection of Art and Science with Lia Halloran, MFA, assistant professor of art at Chapman University

On Tap Tue 10/13/15 @ 6:00 p.m.
Big Data: Fact or Fiction with Erik Linstead, PhD, assistant professor of computer science and software engineering at Chapman University

On Tap Tue 11/10/15 @ 6:00 p.m.
Nanoscience: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly with Andrew Lyon, PhD, professor of chemistry and dean at Chapman University

On Tap 1/25/16 @ 6:00 p.m.
Daniele C. Struppa, PhD
President-elect and Chancellor of Chapman University

On Tap 2/29/16 @ 6:00 p.m.
“Science, Space Exploration and Poetry” with Anna Leahy, PhD
Associate Professor of English at Chapman University

On Tap 3/21/16 @ 6:00 p.m.
“Diving Deeper: Understanding California’s Water” with Paul Cook
General Manager of Irvine Ranch Water District