Four Chapman University students presented their research at the 45th annual West Coast Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Conference (WCBSURC) at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, California. WCBSURC is among the oldest, intercollegiate conferences of its kind in the nation and has been attended by students and faculty representing 193 institutions in 37 states and Canada over its first 44 years.

This year, four Schmid students, Kevin Nguyen ’24, Teresa Hur ’23, Kylie Deer ’22, and Yoobeen Lee ’23, had the pleasure to represent Chapman and present their research through poster and seminar style presentations.

Kevin Nguyen

Teresa Hur


Kylie Deer


Yoobeen Lee


Recent Goldwater Scholar recipient Kevin Nguyen ’24 reflects on his experience at the WCBSURC, “This was my first presentation at a national research conference and it was an amazing experience. The atmosphere at the conference was inviting and encouraged networking. When it was my turn to present, it was nice having the full attention of the room as this made my presentation feel more like a conversation rather than a lecture. One of my favorite moments at the conference was asking and answering questions during the oral presentation sessions. I liked asking questions about how the research was done and what resources could have eased the research process because one of my personal goals in research is to optimize my time as much as possible. My biggest takeaway from the presentation is that national research conferences are not something to fear; they are an exciting opportunity to share one’s hard work in a unique way. I will definitely look forward to attending WCBSURC again and possibly other research conferences in the future.”