This presentation will examine the two prominent media sectors, Professional and Consumer, and show that in the near future, the amount of content created from the consumer space will exceed that created in the professional space. As a result, there is a vast amount of uncollated and disorganised media moving around the internet unchecked.

As a result, there is a huge drive at the moment to try to establish some order to what appears to be a chaotic system. The problem is that using current methods, this is an extremely time consuming and expensive process. As a result, automatic metadata generation methods are needed to improve the process while providing a business case for exploitation.

This presentation will explore the metadata problem, looking from the consumer and professional vantage points and try to open discussion on how this escalating problem might be averted.
Dr Scott Linfoot received his PhD from the University of Reading. Since 2006, Scott has been a Principal Lecturer at De Montfort University in the Engineering Department of Faculty of Technology.

In 2008, Scott formed a university Spin-out company, Media-Tag – a company dedicated to automatic metadata extraction from multimedia. As CEO, he was responsible for leading his engineering team to develop innovative solutions specifically for the commercial media production community. The company is now in its exit phase.

Scott has authored a number of papers on Metadata standardisation and is now working with local companies to drive a “standard of standards” into the market.

He currently stands on the IEEE Consumer Electronics Society Administrative Committee where he has held the position of Secretary, Chair of governance, UKRI Chapter chair and Treasurer.