On December 4th, the Be KYnd to Your Heart Foundation hosted a free heart screening for the Chapman community to volunteer and receive a free scan! The mission of the Be KYnd to Your Heart Foundation is to spread awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA), a heart condition that remains undetectable in many yearly physicals for young athletes. Chapman University is the first University to work with the Be KYnd to Your Heart Foundation, where students and staff can volunteer and attend events.

Results from the event:

Screened – 121 (85% of registered)
Normal screen but follow-up recommended – 29
Normal after echo – 9
Abnormal – 6
Volunteers – 50+ (physicians, Chapman PA students, and Chapman students)

Chapman Schmid students Ashely Okhovat and Sydni Au Hoy reflected on the successful event!

This event brought the Chapman community together to raise awareness of Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) and allowed over 100 individuals to get their heart screened. The Be KYnd To Your Heart Foundation exists in honor of Kyle J. Taylor, a young man who lost his life to SCA at the age of 18. The purpose of our event is to save another person like Kyle, and if only one person out of all who were screened became aware of an abnormal heart condition, or even no one at all, our mission remains a success. On behalf of the Be KYnd Executive Board at Chapman University, we are honored to join all the families out there in their mission to make heart screenings accessible to the college-age group, and we are blessed to keep Kyle in our hearts. A special thank you to all our volunteers and the Kyle J. Taylor Foundation for their support, guidance, and dedication to bringing this incredible event to Chapman’s community!