Chapman University and the Topos Institute have teamed up to foster the exchange of expertise, collaborative research endeavors, and the bolstering of global recognition for both institutions.

Hailing from Berkeley, CA, the Topos Institute is a private scientific research hub dedicated to harnessing technology for the greater good through advancements in connection and integration sciences. The collaboration between the Topos Institute and Chapman University will primarily unfold through joint initiatives within the D.Sc. program in Mathematics, Philosophy and Physics (MPP), housed within Schmid College of Science and Technology. This will include the organization of MPP seminar events and the pursuit of collaborative research projects, providing MPP graduate students with invaluable opportunities for engagement with Topos representatives. Topos researchers may contribute to dissertation committees, deliver talks and seminars, and participate in shaping the scientific agenda of the MPP program by serving on its Scientific Committee. Areas of mutual research interest between the Topos Institute and Chapman faculty within the Schmid College of Science and Technology encompass mathematical modeling of real-world systems (such as epidemiological and engineering systems), the foundational aspects of systems science and systems biology, programming language design employing type theory and its logical underpinnings, and endeavors in AI safety, logic, formal methods, and category theory for computing.

We look forward to the future successes of this new partnership.

You can learn more about the Topos Institute at their YouTube channel and LinkedIn page.